Made You Up

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(Jim x Reader)

You had been in the ward for two months, schizophrenic.

You were laying in bed, listening to the boy next to you crying. You felt bad for him, he'd been checked it the day before last and hadn't stopped crying. You wanted to help him, the poor kid needed some sleep and hope for that matter.

"Hey," You say aloud ", You wanna hear a story?"

A sniffle in the dark.

"Y-yeah," He says and you sit up. You stand and sit on the end of his bed, your nightgown billowing around your feet.

"Alright," You say with a smile ", This is the story of a boy. A boy who was a beast, but a beast became a hero."

"Is it a real story?" The boy asks you.

"To me it is."

He sits up and looks at you, bright green eyes that shine in the dark.

"This story begins with a raven-haired boy, with blue eyes," You start and you can hear the stirring from the other beds in the room ", The boy was gifted with a job that he never shared with anyone but his two best friends, a red haired boy, and a Spanish girl. And of course that creatures that he protected. Humans and trolls."

"Is (y/n) telling a story?"

"Yeah, she telling the one about the beast."

"OOH, I love that one."

"The raven haired boy treated two like family, a six eyed troll and one with green fur. The five of them were tasked with saving the world from evil helmeted trolls. The raven haired boy doubted his ability, because failure after failure brought jests, accusations from those he protected. They sang his praises and screamed his flaws for he was human. On troll of a violent pale blue challenged him and dared to kill him. But the raven haired boy won and when they insisted that he kill the blue troll? He showed him mercy."

"For a schizoid, she doesn't ever sound crazy."

"She tells the best stories so shut up and listen."

"Trolls didn't believe in mercy as humans do. But that was the least of the raven haired boy's problems. The raven haired boy had a evil troll to fight, the black son and his changeling. The son wanted to kill the raven haired boy and take his gift, using it to free the father. He failed. Our raven her slayed the son and sent the changeling running away, but he would return along with greater threats."

"Oooh, I love this part!"

You could hear the other kids shuffling, getting closer as you told the story. Not a story. 

"The son was dead and the Changeling wielded a ring that controlled one without a soul. The Spanish girl, determined to save her lost brother and avenge his name, stole the weapon of the soulless, his staff of shadows. Using it to save the raven and his red headed friend. With the defeat of the soulless and the Changeling came the death of the green furred troll, a bow that caused the raven to jump into a different world to save the little brother and kill the father."

The kids sat on the floor now, the bulimic girl had her head on your knee while the cutter rested his head on your back. You smile and take the boy with anxiety and squeeze, you can feel him relax.

"It's okay, because the Spanish girl and the red haired boy didn't give up on the raven. The saved him, with the help of the green furred whom they brought from the dead and the six eyed, along with the help of a ghost or two. They saved the raven and the Spanish brother, at a price. The father was freed from his other worldly prison and he was ready to kill. He took over the homes of the trolls, forcing them to work in his evil army. The raven felt like he was responsible, the Spanish girl gave her body to save the trolls, using the shadow staff. She let a witch into her body, and the witch took over her. The witch used her powers to bring back the soulless."

The other kids circled the beds, sitting where ever they could, on top of each other if they had too. No one minded when it was you telling stories.

"The witch, using the girl's body, tried to kill the raven. But the six eyes and the changeling rescued her using magic and the girl claimed her body. The father, on the other hand, was seeking the witch, to use her power. He found her and released her. The raven went to find the creator of his gift, he lost his friend in the process. The troll he showed mercy, whom he would die for, sacrificed himself so the raven could survive."

"That's so sad," The crying boy say aloud ", What happens next?"

"The raven found the creator. The creator was arrogant and destructive, but wise at the same time. He gave the raven a choice. Lose or win, but win on the terms he gave the raven. The raven chose to win and the creator turned him into a beast. Half human and half troll. The raven felt like a monster, he was scared and the soulless, the witch and the father wanted him dead. He couldn't control his emotions. But the Spanish girl, the red haired boy, the green furred troll and the six eyed father figure showed him that he was still the raven haired, blue eyed boy that they loved. No matter what."


"Yeah. But the day of the war came. The Spanish girl and the red haired boy got people out of the city and the raven fought the soulless and the father. He killed the father first, but before he could kill the soulless, the witch threw him out of the way. The raven reminded the soulless that he used to be a hero, but now he was just as evil as the witch. The fight continued with the witch and the creator, but the creator failed. The Spanish girl trapped the witch in the realm her staff mastered, shadows."

They look up at you with colorful bright eyes.

"The raven was a hero, a real hero. And his story live on in every brick, every word. He is the hero of man and troll, built of both and of course. His praise is sung my me and the others who hear the story. Now let's get to bed! I'll tell you another one tomorrow!"

The kids make noises of disappointment as you lay down and look out the window. The raven haired beast had his arms crossed over the other on the window ceil. He smiled with bright blue eyes shining at you, blowing a kiss at you.

"I guess they think I made you up."

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