In the Dark of the Night

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Requested by SammyL0923

Bular x Reader (Lemon)

Sometimes, the dark of the night was the only time that you could meet him. Under the cover of darkness, you'd creep downstairs in your pajamas and tip-toe to the door, making sure that your hands blocked all noise made by the lock on the front door. Every time that you heard the floorboards creek or the squeaking of the front door, you would freeze and wait until you were sure that everything was quiet again.

You slipped out the front door, easily closing it behind you and pressing your back against the door, making sure it was tightly shut before dashing down the street. Your footsteps landed heavily on the pavement and the smile that crossed your lips pulled into a tight grin.

Every time that you did this, the rush of adrenaline that filled your body was just so much, pushing you forward to where you wanted to be.

When you met him, it was always somewhere secluded, private, away from prying eyes that might have caught you both together. There had been close calls like that before, makeouts that ended with you clinging to the fur on his back and keeping yourself hidden when another troll was talking to him. There had been one time when he had given chase to some sort of creature that you didn't recognize.

You remember hearing the roaring and the sound of stone hitting the ground.

You kept running, nothing was going to ruin this night for either of you. You had been planning it for a while now, and though you were hesitant about the situation at hand, you wanted him to be your first. And tonight was the night you'd been planning for weeks now.

Bular had told you that he would meet you in the old fireworks storage facility, you'd scoped out the place a few nights before, trying to get the schedule of the workers down so you could avoid them at all costs. It was easier than expected, slipping under the slightly ajar aluminum garage door and then pulling it down behind you. It was loud, causing you to flinch slightly.

You heard the sound of heavy footsteps trailing along the walls of the storage room, a piece of the dark stared at you from over the boxes of fireworks with bright glowing amber eyes, the rumbling of the large troll made your skin shiver.

"I feared that you wouldn't have shown up-" He grumbled, making his way from around the piles of boxes, his bulky form clambering towards you. You smiled at him as his and rounded your cheek and pulled hour face towards his, his nose pressing against your forehead and his breath hitting your face.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world, you know?" You said back, taking his big face in your hands and pressing a kiss to his nose. "We've been planning this for a while..."

"Yes we have-" He grumbled back to you, wrapping his large arms around you and pressing a firm kiss against your shoulder, then letting it trail up your neck ", I expect you to be straight with me. Do not let me harm you."

"I trust you Bular," You smiled at him, perhaps against your better judgement, you did trust him and everything he said to you ", I'll be okay-"

Bular grunted against your neck, causing a deep blush to cheeks, you couldn't help it. Your hands lifted to his neck and held tight, keeping his face near you at all times. The massive troll gently raked his teeth across your skin and you shivered, not expecting the sensation to feel as good as it did. You let out the slightest of whimpers.

"You're beautiful," He mutters against your skin ", You're amazingly beautiful."

You smile and take a slight step forward, gripping the back of his neck, pulling him closer to your frame. You smile at him, wanting to kiss him.

"I think you are trying to flatter me," You say with a smile.

"Is it flattery if it's true?" He kisses you, seemingly reading your mind as he kisses your lip hard. You are entranced by him with in a matter of seconds and wrap your arms around his neck as he kisses you, your bodies pressed against each other, touching where ever you could. Buar lifts you into the air, a small smile playing on your lips as he kisses you again. You shiver as his body presses against yours and forces your back against the same door that you had just entered from.

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