Chapter 7 "The first one"

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I woke up to the sound of Paul's deep breathing. I had drooled all over his chest. Oopsie. I thought I'd see the daylight already, but apparently it was the same night still. I looked around, and the beach was empty. There wasn't any sign of other soul except for Paul and me.

"Paulie?" I shook him gently.

"Hmm...wha-?" He sat up looking around. He looked very cute when he was all confused like that. He seemed to be so lost. He looked at me strange. "What happe..." He trailed off as he kept looking at me, and around the beach.

I giggled. He was too damn cute.

"Ahhh, I remember now" He smiled rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Yes, we fell asleep"

"What time is it?" He grabbed his wrist trying to get the time from his watch. "Shit! I can't see anything" He made a big effort to focus his eyesight on the watch.

"Do you have a lighter?"

"Oh right!" He got a lighter out of his pocket, and lit it near his wrist. "It's 4 am!"

"What?! Are you sure?! Damian is going to kill me!" I brought my hands to my face. That was the death of me.

"Don't worry. I can blame it all on me. I'll take you back right away" He said looking for his car keys on his pockets. "I'll have the perfect excuse for your brother"

"No, wait" I stopped him. "If I'm in trouble already, who cares if stay half the rest of the day here; we might as well enjoy it" I shrugged.

"Are you sure? Isn't your brother very strict?"

"Sometimes, but he's also very understanding"

"Alrighty then" He smiled. "What do you want to do now?"

"I would like to watch the break of dawn with you"

"That would be nice" He smiled.

"I want to swim a little first"

"Okay. Do you have your swimsuit with you?"

"No" I giggled.

"Are you going to take off your dress?" He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Of course!" I let out a small laugh.

"Let's go then" He helped me get out of the car because it was obvious that my crotch was still sore, but we didn't want to mention it. "Are you sure you can swim?" He asked when we walked over the edge of the tide. He held my hand very protectively.

"Yes" I looked up at him as I took my dress off quickly. "Come with me!" I reached out my hand for him.

"Me? oh no, no, no, dear. I can't do that. I'm going to get wet"

"That's the point! Come on" I shouted as I got inside the sea. "Take off your clothes, Paulie!"

He stood there hesitantly for a while as he watched me amused. "Oh what the hell" He shrugged, and began stripping. He put his clothes down, and followed me. "Fuck it's cold" He shivered making me laugh.

"It's perfect, Paulie!" I laughed throwing water at him. "Let's go deeper!" I took his hand, and ran with him further and deeper into the ocean.

"Oh no, no, no ahhhh it's so fucking cold!" He whimpered making me burst out laughing. "You're crazy for making me do this!" He laughed as he shivered more. "I'll get you!" He started running after me, and stumbled. My stomach started to hurt from the laughing.

"Come get me then, Paulie!" I teased him. He couldn't stand up; the water kept getting in the way. "I'll help you" I ran to him, and helped him stand still.

I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now