The arrival (1)

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I was sleeping for the first time in a couple days. I felt warm, comfy and relaxed something I haven't felt in a long time. It was like I was floating on a cloud of cotton. My body felt fuzzy and trapped what felt like a marshmallow.

I opened my eyes slowly. My eyes felt heavy. I tryed to adjust to the bright light. I saw allot of glass around me. It surrounded me all around me, and it went all the way up untill it reached stone. I noticed that I was in some kind of tube.

I was in some kind of tube. I was laying down on a mattress in a corner of the tube. I saw different tubes next to me, also with glass, but others with stone and bars.

I looked up and could see 2 floors above me with a ladder attached to them. Above the last floor was a stone roof with a trapdoor in the middle.

I tryed to sit up to get a better look around me, but fell instantly down. My back hurted like shit and I saw blood staining my shirt, I also had a huge headache.

I layed back down and closed my eyes. I move my arms behind my back to feel why it hurted so much. I couldn't feel anything on my back. The pain subsided a little and I stood up slowly.

The first floor of my tube was very low and I almost bumped my head. I took the ladder to the first floor and saw that it was pretty comfy. I saw a small desk with sketching paper and pencils in one corner. In a other corner I saw a chair with paint and a canvas next to it.

I smiled to myself. This isn't that bad. I heard a loud scoff, it echoed through the building. "Hello" i screamed.

I walked down the ladder to look where the scoff came from. I wanted to yell again before a guy stood infront oescape

. it was a man with a short beard, cold blue eyes and a bald head.

He had a blank stare and looked at me from top to bottom. "Good morning, 1402 are you feeling well? He said with a smirk. "Well, my back hurts allot and there is blood staining my shirt". I stood there in shock, I just noticed that I'm trapped here with a random guy infront of me. Where are my parents and where am I?

"W-where am i?" I said in a weak voice. "You are.. Let's just say you are in a save place, you are very dangerous now"

"How am I'm dangerous, why am I'm here? Let me go I want to go home! Where are my parents? Why am I'm wearing these clothes? Answer m-"

Before I could finish my sentence I fell on the ground with a huge pain in my neck, I screamed loudly. "There we go, now shut up and listen" he said and turned down what seemed like a remote control. I touched my neck and now felt that I had a collar on.

"Now" he continued. "I am Joseph and I am one of the scientists here. Let's just say I'm here to keep you safe and help you"

Well why do you put me in a tube then? And why did you give me this dumb collar?

He sighed and opened the door in my tube. "Come out I want to show you something".  I looked at him knowing he wasn't telling me the whole truth.

I stayed put mostly out of curiosity as to see what he will do, but also out of fear. He sighed "Fine then". He went into the cell and grabbed my arm. He dragged me out of the tube and into the hallway I was in.

I was trying to fight him but he was to strong. We went trough a corridor with allot of tubes like mine and what I saw scared me. Teens with animal tails, ears and teeth were in the tubes, others just looked normal but empty.

One girl caught my eye. She had beautiful brown hair and big brown doe eyes. She was sitting on her mattress staring at glass infront of her. Her eyes were empty and dull and looked emotionless, actually her whole body looked emotionless.

Once I almost passed the tube we made eye contact, she just looked at me like she was looking at a ghost. Then out of nowhere she gave me a small smile and a quick nod.

We were almost at a staircase by now and I tryed to fight Joseph again. I kicked his leg but nothing worked. Suddenly I got an idea, I bit his arm and kicked him were the sun don't shine.

He fell on the floor and I made a run for it. I tryed to find the exit but got lost in the corridors of tubes. Some of the teens in the tubes trying to get my attention. Hey, over here I heard in my head.

"Huh?" I stood still and looked around but I sae no one. Over here you dummy. Where? Do u see the cell on the left of you go there and free me I will help you escape

I looked on my left and saw one of those stone cells with iron bars attached to it. I ran over to the cell and tryed to open the door. Come on, you can do it!.  Who are you?

No time for introductions just open the damn door. I pulled and kicked the door but nothing helped. "I am really tryi-" I heard voices from my right and saw 3 peoplr appear.

The 3 man noticed me and stalked towards me, the middle one I remember was Joseph. "Alright, come here slow and steady and we won't hurt you" he said with a smipity.

Shit run! I looked around me to see if there was a escape, but they got me cornered. People were screaming in there tubes for me to run or fight, but I couldn't, I was frozen in fear.

Joseph held a syringe and stalked towards me. I tried to run past him but he grabbed me and put the syringe in my neck. He put whatever was inside the syringe in my neck and took one arm. One of the other guys took one arm aswell and they started to drag me to the staircase that I came from.

I tried to fight the sleep that was consuming me, but before I knew it I blacked out. The last thing I heard was a deep mans voice saying "Take her to the testing room" and people around me giving of sounds of fear and pity.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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