Chapter 3

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The Onceler's plane landed and he got off the plane. He booked a hotel room to stay until he could buy himself an apartment. He stood in front of the airport waiting for his Uber to arrive. The Uber came and the Onceler stepped inside the car. There was a man who seemed a little off and not in the right state of mind who was the driver. The Onceler said 

"Take me to Hollywood Boulevard please." The man responded, 

"What's your name?" The Onceler was confused but told the man anyways. 

"My name is the Onceler. Why?"

The creepy man responded, "Are you Chris Hansen?"

The Onceler said "Bitch, I'm not Chris Hansen." He added, "Are you who I think you are?" 

The driver said  "Who do you think I am?" The Onceler responded "Gregory James."

The man replied, "No, it's not me. If it were, I'd be wearing my, I mean his, bulletproof vest." 

The Onceler was skeptical. He then proceeded to say,

 "Greg, I know it's you." 

The Uber driver said

 "It's not me. I mean him."

 The Onceler replied,

 "I can see your eyes through your sunglasses." 

The Onceler said "We've met before." The man said "When have we met?" The Onceler said "You were in Sioux Falls for a court case and you were at the local gay bar, and we hooked up. I was one of the pole dancers. " The Uber driver then said 

"Fine, I am Greg. You cummed in my mouth when you gave me a blowjob." 

The Onceler replied "Gregory, you were amazing at sex. I've been wanting to find you again." Onision replied "I've been sorta occupied." The Onceler said "Can we exchange numbers when we go to the hotel?" Gregory said "Sure, that would be nice." 

The Onceler replied "And while we're talking, let me offer you some free advice?" Onision said "Is that a Hamilton reference?" The Onceler replied "Yeah. So what?" Onision replied "Fuck me here and now." The Onceler got a rock hard erection when Onision said that. 

They pulled over to the back of an alley and locked the car doors. The Onceler said "Gregory, baby, I love you." Greg replied "I want you to cum into my eyes and make me your daddy." They both were turned on and could see their bulges in their pants. They proceeded to make out and they loved it. Both of them were just getting started. The Onceler quickly pulled down Greg's pants. Gregory pulled down the Onceler's pants and they got into doggy position. They climbed into the backseat. The Onceler was on top and Onision was on the bottom. The Onceler proceeded to jab his dick into Greg's asshole. 

Greg said "Do it harder Oncey, my daddy." The Onceler replied "Sure can do." 

The Onceler proceeded to jab his dick in and out of Greg's rectum even further than before. Onision said "That's the stuff." The Onceler started to moan as Greg started to cum on the car seats. Both were in the heat of the moment. 

The Need for Thneed (Onceler x Onision)Where stories live. Discover now