Chapter two: My new job at the daily planet

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My alarm started going off...beep beep beep. I turned it off as i dragged myself out of bed, and into the bathroom. What a night. I grabbed my toiletry bag as well as my cosmetic bags, and began to get ready for work.  After freshening up, doing my makeup, and curling my hair, i slipped into a suit and shoes, and headed off to work, today is a new day. I climbed out of the taxi once i arrived at the Daily Planet. So this is the company that my Father owns? Well let's get to work, Torie. Let's prove that there's more to you than who you are related to both wealth and genetic-wise. I took a deep breath as i walked inside to my first day of work. People stared at me as i entered the building. It's strange being the center of attention.  I then took an elevator to the 6th floor, where i will be working with other reporters. As i reached the 6th floor and the doors opened, i bumped into a reporter wearing glasses and a flannel. I dropped my purse. "Oh, sorry miss, let me help you." He offered. "It's okay, I've got it. The name is Victoria Wayne, but please just call me Torie." I answered. "Clark, Clark Kent. Most people call me Clark, or Smallville." He answered. "Nice to meet you Clark, I've heard a lot of good things about you and the famous Lois Lane." I stood up and he introduced me to everyone including Miss Lane's photographer, Jimmy Olsen. "Hey, you're  Bruce Wayne's daughter. How can someone so beautiful and rich get stuck in a place like this?" He asked out of curiosity. "I want to work, i don't want to depend on inheritance, besides journalism is my passion, getting the real truth delivered to the public is necessary to keep them informed.  "If you want to know more about me, maybe we could go out for dinner, and you can show me around town since i'm the 'new' girl." I flirted with him. "It would be my pleasure, how about 8:00 tonight?" He asked. "Sounds good to me." I answered as i walked into Perry's office to receive my first assignment. I get to cover the robbery of Metropolis Central Bank. Lovely. Now i have to go interview witnesses. I walked onto the crime scene looking for the finance specialist. I asked her a bunch of questions about the robbery, and Jimmy tagged along to get pictures for the article. "So how do you like the topic for your assignment?" Jimmy asked. "There's not a lot to cover, the police released some statements, but it doesn't cover how the robbery took place only the time of day. There's not a lot to go off of here." I answered. "Well Perry likes to start off all new reporters with basic stories to give them a feel for the job. Baby steps, Wayne. Baby steps." Jimmy explained.  So later that night i typed up an article and sent it to our editor at the planet. In the meantime, i got to get ready for a night on the town with Jimmy, Clark, and Lois.

 In the meantime, i got to get ready for a night on the town with Jimmy, Clark, and Lois

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This was the dress i had decided upon for the evening. Time to catch a cab and meet them at the restaurant. 

Jimmy's Pov:

Clark, Lois, and i were waiting outside of the restaurant when Torie stepped out of the taxi looking like a gorgeous movie star. "Have mercy, she's beautiful." I muttered out loud. "Uh, Jimmy, you're drooling." Lois pointed out. "Hey guys, are we ready to have fun?" Torie asked. "Yeah, let's go." Lois stated enthusiastically as she pulled Torie inside. It was a club and a restaurant. "Do we want to eat first then dance, or dance first and eat later?" Lois asked. "Definitely dance first. " Torie answered as we made our way to the dance floor. Clark, and i followed the ladies to the dance floor and we danced for a while.  It was nice to actually have a girl who was actually interested in me. I'll admit she is gorgeous, but i don't know if i could actually date her because she is the child of a famous billionaire. Her father is the literal definition of a playboy, and he gets lots of attention, and i don't want that kind of attention. i need to let her down easy. So after dinner that night, i decided to talk to her. "Hey, Torie, i think it's best that we stay friends." I admitted. "It's okay Jimmy, i actually agree and was thinking that as well. At least we had fun tonight, right?" She asked. "Definitely. Well goodnight." i told her as i went home. 

Torie's Pov: 

Jimmy went home early, and when Lois , Clark, and i were about to leave, i bumped into Oliver Queen that night. Then we went home for the night. 

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