Chapter 11: Darkseid, he's coming.

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Later that night i crawled into bed with a sense of something terrible coming. I snuggled up next to Clark. I feel safe when i'm with him. "Honey, are you alright?" Clark asked. "Yeah, just tired." I answered as i buried my head into his chest and fell asleep almost instantaneously. During the night, i had a terrible dream, a nightmare.  It was of Darkseid coming to take over the Earth. There was death, blood, and kryptonite? What the hell? My alarm jolted me awake.  "Honey, it's time to get ready for work." Clark called out to me. "Just for five more minutes, please." I begged as he walked in and opened the blinds. "No honey, we've got work to do." He stated as he kissed the side of my neck. I struggled out of bed and got ready for work. "That's my girl. Are you ready for work?" He asked. "I guess so. Let's go." I stated as we left for work together.  I was trying not to focus on the dream, but it was more than a dream. It was a warning. The whole work day proved to be a struggle for me to maintain focus. As Clark and i went to our final assignment of the day, i started to feel strange, sort of dizzy. I felt like i was going to pass out with no control over it. No, i can't just pass out like this. I managed to walk to Clark's car with ease and took a seat before losing consciousness. 

Clark's POV: 

Torie has been acting strange all day. She looks really pale like she's sick. I noticed while we were driving to interview our last witnesses for the day that she passed out in the passenger seat. "Torie, are you okay?" I asked as i gently tried to wake her up while driving.  We finally arrived so i just left the car on. I figured the pregnancy was making her tired so it's better to let her sleep. I got out of the car and walked over to the victim's family and started asking them questions. 

Torie's POV: 

I woke up inside of Clark's car while he was interviewing the family. I had the dream again. Same visuals except this time i heard his voice and he whispered: "I am coming." That phrase sent chills down my spine. I sat up in the seat and looked around, the car was still running. I thought we took care of him, but he wants revenge against Superman. He wants to enjoy murdering the only superhero capable of sending him back to where he came from.  When Clark finished the assignment, he walked back over to the car and got in. "How are you feeling?" He asked me. I was too stunned to answer his question. I just sat there with my knees pulled to my chest.  How could i tell him the man that is hell bent on killing him is coming back for revenge against him? I don't want to lose Clark all over again. "Torie? Is everything okay?" Clark asked. "Can we just go home? i want to go home." I answered. He nodded in compliance as he put the car drive and we drove off.  He reached one hand over and gripped my hand. "If there's something you need to tell me, now would be a good time." He stated as we stopped at a red light. i kept quiet until we stopped at a grocery store. "Let me out of the car. " I ordered as i rushed outside. I started running from the voice inside my head. "Torie, wait!" Clark called out for me. He started running after me. After a bit he caught up with me and slowed me down. "What's going on? Why are you running?" He asked out of concern. That was when i started crying. "Clark, Darkseid, he's coming...For revenge." I answered.  He took a step back out of surprise. 

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