Chapter 9: A prophecy? no way!

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Clark is back, we've been hanging out a lot which has made me feel better, but lately i haven't been feeling well, but like always i try to hide it. I visited the Kent farm to check up on Clark. "Hey Martha." I greeted. "Hey, Torie, if you're looking for Clark, he's out by the barn working on the tractor." Martha told me. I walked to the back side of the house where the barn was located. "Hey, Clark, what are you working on?" I asked. "My mom's tractor." He answered. "Do you have time to eat lunch with me? i brought Subway." I offered.  "Sure." He answered.  He cleaned his hands before i handed him the sandwich. "So how are you?" i asked. "I'm okay. i'm trying to get back to normal so i can move on and continue being Superman. i do miss Lois, may she rest in peace." He answered. "You know, losing you and Lois, i think i've mourned enough for the both of us. I knew Lois very well to know she wouldn't want us to sit around and mourn for the rest of our lives.  You need to get back out there both work and romantic wise." I told him. "I know, i have my eye on someone already, i just don't know if she's ready." He informed me with a genuine smile. "Oh you" I asked. He leaned into kiss me, and i kissed him back. This feels right, this feels natural. I pulled away with a smile. After we finished lunch, i had to go. i need to stop by the drug store. I'm late. I feel sick, my stomach wants to hurl all the time. Oh god, please don't tell me i'm pregnant, this is horrible timing.  I stopped by the store and picked up 3 digital pregnancy tests. I'm now shaking, what if i am pregnant? what am i going to tell Clark? What if it's Oliver's baby? When i got home, i shoved the texts in the cabinet under the sink. I'm too afraid to know right now, so i decided to go to bed to calm down. The dream i had, it was strange. it was from my perspective, but all i could see was blood, there was blood on my clothes, people were lying at my feet. I killed these people? What? What's happening? I could hear whispers..."Sorceress...You must accept your destiny. Sorceress....." I woke up screaming just as i heard a knock on the door. i stumbled out of bed just as i made my way towards the front door. "Morning, i know it's kind of early, but i was wandering if you wanted to go out for breakfast with me?" Clark asked. "I'd love to, just give me time to get dressed. come in and watch tv while i get ready." I answered. He followed me inside while i got ready. The dream felt like a prophecy, but it think it was more like a nightmare. As i slipped into my favorite pair of jeans, i noticed they were a little tight around the waist. When i tried to button them i struggled for a bit. "Ugh." I grunted out loud by accident. "Uh, Torie is everything okay?" Clark asked. "Uh, yeah." i answered. "I just can't get my jeans buttoned." I finally admitted. "Do you need help?" He asked. "Yeah." I answered as i opened the door. He walked over and buttoned my jeans. "Wow, that simple?" I asked. "I am Superman, remember?" He replied as we left to go get breakfast. A week passes by before i notice another symptom, morning sickness. I would wake up and get sick, so finally today i decided to take a pregnancy test. I sat on the toilet waiting for the result which took about three minutes. One minute passed by...Another minute passed by...and finally the alarm i set went off. I turned off the alarm and looked at the test. it was positive. I'm pregnant. I'm...Having a baby. I sat there in shock until i heard the buzzing of my phone which snapped me out of it. My Dad was trying to call me. "Hello, Dad?" i answered.  "Hey, i was wondering if you're available to come to the hall of justice. " He answered. "Um, i'm kinda busy." I answered. "Please, we need you." Dad responded. "Give me about forty five minutes." I told him. After finishing up in the bathroom, i got changed into my uniform, threw out the pregnancy test in the main trash can, and snuck out of the apartment. Once i arrived at the hall of justice, I met Batman in the conference room. "Great, your here. i need you to accompany Wonder Woman and Superman on a rescue mission." Batman explained. "A rescue mission?" i asked. "We need to rescue Raven before her Father, Trigon destroys the earth." Batman explained. "Okay, let's go." I called out as we boarded the jet, and took off.  The whole ride was quiet, i was lost in thought. "Is everything okay?" Clark asked. "Yeah, just thinking about the mission." I answered. "We'll save her, i promise." Clark reassured me.  I smiled at him as i grabbed his hand. I knew that wasn't the reason, and i just lied to my boyfriend, but i'm terrified. What if he leaves? What if he decides i'm not worth the effort? These questions crept into my head. We finally arrived and it was time to go to work.  Poor Raven, she was attached to this wheel looking contraption. It was draining her powers. It was hell of a battle trying to get her down, on top of fighting her father and trapping him back in hell. The prophecy was about Raven, she was born to destroy the Earth, but she just saved it from total annihilation. After returning her to her team, the teen titans where i had a quick family reunion with my adopted brother, Richard Grayson, we returned to the hall of justice. I'm hungry, i'm craving ice cream and pickles..Oh no, it's beginning. It was almost time for my doctor's appointment, so i quickly changed and left the hall to arrive in the nick of time. I waited for the doctor to come in and perform the ultra sound. What if i am pregnant? "Hello, Miss Wayne. How are you today?" A doctor asked as she walked in. "I'm good how are you?" I answered. "I'm good, My name is Dr. Sherri, I'll be performing your ultra sound today." She then went into detail of how the procedure was going to be performed. Finally we did the ultra sound, and i could hear the heartbeat on the screen.  I am pregnant. I took a cab home, i don't want this. i'm not ready. I managed to drag myself to my apartment and unlocked my door. I walked inside, i felt immediately drained. I picked up my phone to call Clark. It went to voice mail. Ugh, please pick up. I started crying when he wouldn't answer. Why is this happening? It's Oliver's baby, i know it. I wish it was Clark's. I just kept sobbing until i heard a knock on my balcony door. I got up walked inside my bedroom to open the door. It was Clark. "Hey sorry i didn't answer your phone call, there was a shooting a few blocks down. More like a robbery actually. Hey are you okay? You've been crying. What's wrong?" He asked. I just walked up to him and hugged him. "Torie, what's going on?" He asked. I pulled back as i wiped my tears and sat on my bed. "Clark, i'm pregnant." I answered.

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