Chapter 10: Things are complicated

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Clark's Pov:

I just stood there in complete shock as i held her tight. She's afraid, i can sense it, just like i can sense the baby belongs to Oliver Queen. Those two had always been close, and when i 'died' she must've found comfort from him. i'm not mad, i just don't want her to be sad. A child is a child after all, and they're the most precious out of the human race or any species.  "Torie, please don't cry. Everything will be okay, i promise." I told her as i lifted her chin and kissed her. "You need to get some rest so you can relax." I told her as i helped her into bed. I turned out the lights and i laid next to her. I could hear both heartbeats, especially the baby's heart beat. It was strong, and rhythmic which was so beautiful to hear. Being next to her,what a lucky man i am. 

Torie's Pov: 

The next morning seemed to arrive fairly quickly. I woke up to an empty bed, of course being a superhero, Clark can't help when he needs to leave. It's just yesterday was physically exhausting. Okay, now i have to tell Oliver, and then i have to tell my Dad. When did things become complicated? Oh yeah, when i decided to sleep with Oliver Queen. I got out of bed and decided to get ready for work.  Okay, so no one said this was going to be easy, but maybe i can be a mom. Just maybe...I sighed as i sat down at my desk. If only Mom was here. She could tell me what to do and how to approach this. I blankly stared at my computer screen before i notice Clark offering me a coffee. "Oh, thank you and good morning." I smiled at him. "Good morning. How did you sleep? You look tired." He asked. "I slept okay. How was your morning?" i whispered. "It was busy. I'll tell you about it tonight. In the meantime, Perry paired us up on a story and we've got to go interview witnesses. I'll tell you all about it on the way." He offered. "Okay." I smiled as i followed him out to his car. So the story involved mysterious kidnappings all over the city. "Are we going to talk about it?" i asked. "Talk about what?" He asked. "The baby?" i answered. "I figured you'd talk when you were ready, listen i don't need an explanation Torie. No matter who the father is, we're in this together because i love you." He revealed. "I love you to." I told him. "This is going to work out no matter what." He told me as we arrived to the crime scene. Clark Kent is the sunshine in my life, that's all i know. We walked up to the scene with our notepads. The police gave us all the information they could, the poor people who were abducted and their families not knowing if they'll ever see them again. I remember that feeling when i thought i had lost Clark. "Clark, maybe i should talk with the families, and you talk with the witnesses." I suggested. "Yeah that sounds awesome. We'll meet up at two for lunch." He told me as i got the addresses of the families. I rushed off to find the families. One family was afraid of losing their family member. "Please, do all you can Miss Wayne to bring her home. She's our baby. We love her too much to leave her." That quote the Mother said got me thinking of my baby, of my child.  "You'll be a mother soon Miss Wayne, and the greatest advice i could give you is to prepare now, not later." Miss Teresa left me with that quote as i moved on to talk to other families who have been victimized by these abductions. I don't know what to think of all this, of being a mom. i'm not ready. i'm just not ready.  This is not going to be easy, and things will never be the same again. Once this baby arrives, it won't be about me anymore. it'll be about him or her. 

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