Part Two

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"It's been three days since Azula attacked you and there's been no sign of her," Sokka reasoned. "I think it's safe to assume she's moved on."
"Azula wouldn't give up that easily," Zuko retorted.
"I agree with Zuko," Katara interjected. "We have no idea what she's really planning. We all need to stay on our guard."
"Don't worry, guys!" Aang laughed. "If Azula and her friends show up, Lei can just kick their butts again."
"Have I mentioned that Lei is my new best friend?" Toph joked from her seat on a boulder.
"Yes," Sokka groaned. "Many times."
Zuko watched from the corner of his eyes as Lei laughed out loud.
"While I appreciate your confidence in me," she said brushing her hair behind her shoulder, "I really did get lucky when I fought them before. I won't be able to face them alone again."
"Sure you could," Aang smiled. "I think if Zuko was in danger, you could do anything."
A small blush painted itself across Lei's freckled cheeks.
"Ugh, gross!" Toph griped.
"Never underestimate the power of love," Katara laughed.
Zuko slid his hand into Lei's where she sat beside him.
They could laugh all they wanted.
Lei's blue eyes met his.
"Yeah," she said, "must have been something like that."
Zuko brushed a strand of auburn hair behind her ear as he leaned in and kissed her.
"Really guys!" Sokka shrieked indignantly. "I'm trying to enjoy my meal."
Everyone laughed.
Despite the impending deadline and the threat of Azula's return, spirits in the group had been incredibly high. Perhaps that's just what happened when a group of friends traveled together. Zuko didn't have much experience with that sort of thing.
The sun set on their campfire meal and everyone began returning to their tents.
Zuko and Lei always set theirs up a bit farther away so they could talk in the night without disturbing anyone.
Lei flopped down onto their bedroll, the red in her hair reflecting beautifully in the lamplight.
"Something wrong?" Zuko asked while laying down beside her.
"I just have a bad feeling," Lei sighed. "You're right. Azula wouldn't give up that easily. I think I'd almost feel better if she did attack, just so I knew what she was thinking."
"I never know what my sister is thinking," Zuko replied, pulling Lei against his side. "I stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago."
"But she's our enemy. If she's planning something—"
"Then we'll take care of it," Zuko cut her off. He pressed a quick kiss against her temple. "And we'll do it together."
Lei didn't say anything. Her hand came to rest against his chest, her fingers wrinkling the fabric there.
"How is this, by the way?" she asked, rubbing the scar tissue through his shirt.
"Phantom pain sometimes," Zuko responded, "but nothing bad."
Lei sat up and began unwrapping his shirt.
"What are you doing?" he asked, making no move to stop her.
She pushed the fabric away, and Zuko shrugged his arms out of the shirt, flinging it away somewhere above his head.
The wound had healed perfectly, with the combination of both Katara and Lei's efforts. The scar left behind wasn't pretty, but Zuko had stopped caring about such trivial things a long time ago. Besides, Lei claimed the scar across his face made him even more handsome. Zuko had a suspicion she just said that to spare his feelings, but she never did shy away from touching that side of his face. Maybe it really didn't bother her.
Lei's fingers delicately ran over the raised scar tissue on his chest.
"I can't believe this is what brought us together," she whispered reverently.
"I'm so glad I was stabbed by that Dai Lee agent," Zuko said.
Lei rolled her eyes.
"You know, you're really sappy when you want to be."
"I know," Zuko relented. He caught her hand gently and tugged her down to meet his lips.
Zuko had never felt such warmth before. He wanted to kiss her and hold her forever. He understood exactly where she had found the strength to rescue him three days prior.
Zuko would do anything to protect her.

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