chapter 1

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The air was humid and cold, I could see my breath cloud in front of me with every puff. My eyes darted to every crack, creak, or whisper that could be heard. I was alone. I had lost my friends, Todoroki, Tenya, and Asui all of which were great soldiers. I crouched low with my gun ready to fire at any moment. A few seconds passed and I heard a hiss of a grenade not far from me. I leaped into action, moving far away from the hissing noise. I heard a load boom along with some screams and cracks. I crawled to a wounded soldier and began to tend to his bleeding wounds.

"Your going to be ok." The soldier smirked.

"Long time no see, Deku." I looked up to see the soldier better and my eyes widen.

"K-kacchan?!" he quickly covered my mouth as a few foot steps started to get closer then fade.

"Shh nerd your going to get us killed." he removed his hand and laid his head back, trying to keep his eyes open from the immense blood loss. I began to apply pressure to the wounds that were bleeding the heaviest.

"Thanks nerd.." I watched as his eyes started to flutter shut.

"Hey. Stay with me. Do not go to sleep" I slapped his face lightly not to cause anymore pain to the cuts that littered his features.

I stared at the the wound on his thigh, blood was seeping from it rapidly and l knew that if I didn't do something soon he was going to lose too much blood. I knew I would need to cauterize the wound. I pulled my pack off my back and began to rummage through it looking for something, anything, that I could use to keep him quiet. I found my flint with a wood handle. Using my lighter i began to heat up the tin cup out of my pack. I place the wood handle in his mouth.

"Bite down." He nodded and once the cup was hot enough I pinched the wound closed and sealed it with the heat. He groaned in pain as he bit the wooden handle.

"Sorry" a few minutes passed and I removed the hot cup. He sighed in relief, as he took the wooden handle out of his mouth.

"Thank-" he was cut off by a loud gun shot. We saw two figures walking closer with pointed sticks as they stabbed every body, making sure it was dead.

Kacchan grabbed me swiftly moving me and himself then hiding behind a huge rock. I watched as he opened one of his bags. It was full of grenades. He pulled one out then pulled the pin. I watched as it hit one of the figures feet.

"Take cover" I ducked and covered my head, he did the same. Then a loud explosion went off followed by a deadly high pitched ringing sound. I covered my ears to help the ringing. It soon stopped and I checked my surroundings then everything faded black.

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