chapter 2

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"Hey! Wake up! Deku!" I fluttered my eyes open to see where the muffled voice had came from.

"K-kacchan?" I blinked my eyes soon snapping back to reality taking in my surroundings. We were in the back of a truck with a hooded visor over the top. I looked around seeing many wounded soldiers but they and myself had survived the battle. It was over. I was ready to go home.

"Yes it's me deku. You fainted due to dehydration" I chuckled and Kacchan smiled abit.

"Oh that must have been the reason I was feeling dizzy" I chuckled some more still abit dazed from just waking up.

"You know, you can be such a dumbass" Kacchan chuckled with me. Soon we came to a stop and the back of the truck opened.

"Alright soldiers, go and get cleaned up then get some rest. We leave tommorow morning back at our original destination then we will all depart to go home until next weeks training meet up" I heard our commander, Toshinori say while helping a few people out of the truck. I got out with Kacchan and chatted with him as we walked to the showers.

I watched as the dried blood and dirt washed off of me and go down the drain. The wars were never pleasant but it was for the country and I wanted to protect it. When I got out, I quickly got dressed and went to see if any mail had came for me. I had at least 10 letters from my mom and I'm sure more were on the way. She always worried about me to much. I opened one of the letters.

Dear Izuku,
    Are you doing well? Is everything ok? I'm sorry I ask a lot of questions I'm just so worried about you. When will you be home? I miss you, we all do. Please come home safe.


I chuckled at my mom's worry. I grabbed a pen and paper then started writing.

Dear mom,
I'm coming home. Don't worry, I'm good. Still have all my limbs. I miss you guys so much! Tell everyone I said hi! I love you guys. Also do you remember Bakugou katsuki? He is here and if you don't remember he was my childhood friend. I just wanted to tell you everything's ok! I love you.

Hopefully she will be ok but for now I should get some rest. I've got a huge day tommorow. That night I had flashbacks of the war that had happened when I was five. It was a war between the L.O.V, Toshinori was going head to head with the general of the L.O.V. He was doing good until, All for One stabbed Toshinori so many times in the side it destroyed his whole respiratory system. Everytime I had this dream I would wake in cold sweat. Even though these events didn't happen to me. I still feared them. I woke in cold sweat, my chest heaving. I took three deep breaths as I tried to calm myself down. Would the dream ever stop coming?

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