chapter 5

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(This will be in Kacchan pov)

These memories, they play like a broken record on repeat. Why can't I forget about these. I drift off to sleep after the lovely dinner Inko had prepared. Every night I fall asleep only to be woken again by the terror of my own memories.


"What old hag!"

"Cut the attitude!"

"Why should I?!"

"Because I'm your mother! And this is behavior is ridiculous!"

"Fine...what did you want?"

"Why the hell is there cigarette buds all outside? Me and your father don't smoke"

This was a fear of mine, for them to find out but I knew I had to come clean.

"Their mine...."

"What! That's it I'm done! I wish you would go away! I'm done being your parent if all you do is mess up! Get out!"

"Fine! It's not like I asked to be born let alone have you as a mother!"

I remember packing my things in a duffel bag then walking out in the rain during a cold night. The street lights were the only thing on. I remember walking for what I think was hours. I eventually entered a dark alleyway.

"Hey kid"

I remember looking at the man who had said that but everything was abit fuzzy from how puffy my eyes were from crying.

"I'm not a kid. Who are you?"

"I want to help. I got a feeling your parents kicked you too. I know some people who can help you"

I agreed with the stranger and he lead me to a sketchy apartment building. When we entered I got a good look at the guys in front of me. One had turquoise eyes and black hair. Second was a girl with blonde hair and gold eyes. Then last but not least a man with blue hair and red eyes. They went by Dabi, Toga, and shigaraki. I spent more of my time with Dabi. He seemed to get it. His father was abusive.

(Dabi's pov from the past)

I heard glass shatter as I was cleaning the kitchen. I went to see and standing there was my little brother shoto todoroki. He had broken one of our dad championship awards. I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs along with a belt ready to swing.

"What's going on! Who did this!"

Before my brother could speak i was prepared to take the fall.

"It was me..I broke it..."

"Of course it was you!"

Shoto stared in disbelief as my father didn't even use the belt. He hit me square in the face causing me to fall as blood dripped from my nose to the floor.

"Your a disgrace to the Todoroki name Touya"

Then he walked away. As much as I didn't want to leave my brother. I couldn't stay there any longer. I had to leave. When I started to pack my things I heard the soft voice of my brother.

"Are you leaving just like mama?"

I started to tear up. Our mother was the only one who was there to protect us. I thought she would stay with us but she left a note stained in blood saying that she couldn't handle seeing everyone in pain that including herself. The police found her body 2 weeks later...suicide is the last thing I remember hearing before dropping to the ground a sobbing mess. It was hard on my dad. He got more abusive like he was trying to take his pain out on us. He had even told me it was my fault that she was dead. I was rebellious but it wasn't because of her.

"I'm leaving but I will be back don't worry. I will come back for you"

When I was going to see my brother  my sister had said he had joined the army. The thought made me cringe. Our father served in the army for 5 years and to think little Shoto was following his footsteps was sickening. I stormed off. As I entered the apartment building I saw red roses. I got the sudden urge to burn all of them. Roses represent love,but love was weak, fake, and even harmful. I didn't believe in love not after Izuku left me. I loved him and he left. I grabbed the rose then lit my lighter slowly approaching it to the rose. I watched as the petals crumbled to ashes. The flame engulfed the rose then died down. I could feel something bubbling inside me. I would get frequent dreams or images of the city burning. Part of me wanted to act on the images. I wonder what would happen if I did?

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