chapter 4

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We got off the plane and were handed our suitcases. I gave my friends hugs goodbye and waved as they got on their plane. Me and Kacchan sat down in one of the chairs placed close to our plane entry. We sat for what felt like days. I watched as the people came and left.

"Now boarding flight 227 destination New York, New york" I and Kacchan both stood up and rushed to our flight. Soon arriving, we got on the plane and took off. Finally able to relax. I watched out the window. It was a thing I always did. It made me feel calm and collected. It was like for once I wasn't drowning. I turn to look over and see Kacchan sleeping peacefully. I hope he sleeps well now.

I didn't realize when I had fallen asleep, I was awoken by Kacchan tapping me on the shoulder.

"Come on Deku. We're here" I got up and we walked off the plane together. Still in our uniforms, a family came up to us and thanked us for everything we had done for them. It was nice to know we were appreciated. When we made it to the streets they were busy with people.

"Hey watch it!" I had bumped into a stranger.

"Ahh!" I fell into someone's arms but when I seen who if was I quickly jumped up.

"S-sorry kacchan" I rubbed the back of my neck embarrassed.

"It's fine nerd. Where do you live anyway?" I pointed to a nearby house not to far from where we were.

"Right there" I smiled. Kacchan grabbed my hand and we ran to the house, cutting through the crowd of people. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. It opened and I was instantly attacked by my moms hugs.

"Oh Izuku you made it home! I missed you so much!" Kacchan chuckled.

"Hello Mrs.Midoriya" Kacchan waved slightly.

"Oh hello Katsuki! Please call me Inko, it's a pleasure to see you again" I smiled as I watched the two talk back and forth.

"Come in I have dinner in the oven so make yourself at home!" I smiled and stepped into the house. There I was met with the smell of aromatic rice and dumplings.

"Izuku could you show Katsuki up to his room?" I nodded and lead Kacchan to the guest room.

"It's not much but it's here" He smiled.

"Thanks" He said as he looked around.

"No problem, if you need anything let me know" then with that I walked out of the room and into my own. I had almost forgotten how many navy posters I have. I changed then headed down stairs for dinner. When I got there my mom and Kacchan were already at the table eating. I sat down and began to eat as well.

"So how was it?" my mom asked.

"It was a war mom. It wasn't pleasant" I and Kacchan chuckled.

"You got that right" Kacchan said through laughter.

"Well I just thought you had some good times" my mom twiddled her thumbs.

"We did don't worry but I think those are stories for another time. Me and Kacchan need to head to bed."

My mom nodded and me and Kacchan helped clean up dinner then we went to bed.

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