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To my dearest sisters,

 How far really is it to achieve what once was our idol dream? Now we are all travelling through different paths, yet we still hold hands despite barely catching sight of each other. With this book, which I promise to pour my heart onto, I'll keep our idol dream alive till the very last punctuation.

 Ronny, our eldest, the scariest yet softest, and our little genius... Crystal, our mother, the beautiful jasmine whom cares for us and gives us strength... And our precious little bud, Olive, whom we shower with love the most.

 What once was a bond tighter than any knot remains unbreakable. Through this book, may it somehow be brought back; the dreamers who we were.

With love,


The story is an AU (Alternate Universe), meaning that though it may take references from real life people, places, events, etc., it's all fictional and the reality that we live in will be altered to make the story work.

Let me just put it out there that I am not a robot. I am 97% human, 2% horse, and 1% high 24/7- in other words, I am not perfect. So expect;

-grammar mistakes (especially since English isn't my first language)
-inaccurate information (geography, culture, and history)

Although I did say that this is an alternate universe, I did some research to try and put a pinch of realism into this story.

And now, for the obvious;
CREDITS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS of medias to be used. Face claims, songs, pictures, videos, etc. I own nothing more than the story and the idea, whatever is written down on here is my own imaginitive product. Every media I use is none of my ownership unless stated, and I will make sure to give proper credits to the rightful owners.


TIED! Idol Dream is the second revision of my original story DESCENDED, the first being ERSATZ. All three stories have the same concept but the story line goes differently.


Have you ever wanted to write your own story/wrote a story but never finished it? I have, and that's a problem... However, the solution is simple...

Never lose hope, and stay dedicated.

Whatever it may be; writing, drawing, dancing... Or even life itself

As dedicated as I was to the first two versions of my story, I discovered that I was hopeless whenever I'd fail to continue the story due to writer's block. Now that's a big problem which I promise to solve in this book. So to whoever is in a hopeless situation right now, let's try and keep moving forward together. There's so many people you may approach, and I am one of them.

Like a certain boy group said;
You never walk alone

Jin Yumi

TIED! Idol DreamWhere stories live. Discover now