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vi. A Rude Assumption
1.9K words

 It wasn't as if she had brought much luggage with her on the flight from her country to this new one. But moving in still took up a lot of space in the dorm, boxes and all.

Boxes that were more so a gift from the idol who had been nothing but a brother figure to her all throughout.

"Ronny," Yoongi called out as the girl had already wandered into the room like a cat adapting to its newly set pet home.

Ronny turned to face Yoongi, which she now calls her own brother. "Come here," he instructed, and so she followed and stood short in front of him.

"Hold your hand out," he instructed again, and she followed that as well. She reached her hand out to her as if asking for food from her uncle.

Yoongi then placed something on her reached out hands... A rectangular cold device that was pure black till the button on the side was pushed, turning it on and lighting up the screen to show off the default lockscreen. Yoongi had just given her a phone.

As if the other few boxes of basic apartment needs weren't enough.

Ronny looked down, ashamed to admit it but muttered softly. "I don't," She admitted, assuming the idol's face to contort to judgement but she was blind to its lack of change, keeping that kind and soft demeanor he had all this time. Ronny's I don't referred to her knowledge of using a smartphone... And somehow, Yoongi was able to catch onto that.

"It's okay," Yoongi said and took the phone from hand, making her look up to see him unlocking the phone which she quickly noted. "Just remember, you have my number here in case there's anything you need."

"It's all too much, I mean... I shouldn't be your responsibility," Ronny mumbled, watching Yoongi's every move on the phone, giving her the basics of operating it.

"You're not my responsibility," Yoongi clarified in a stoic tone. "But to let you wander off already in an unknown country, in an unknown society, when the furthest you've travelled all your life before all this is the fourth corner of that dark room? I'm just being kind to assist you till you have someone else to handle you," he said. "Or at least till you can handle yourself."

Ronny sighed at this and nodded, taking the phone when it was handed back to her. "For now all you really need to know here is how to call me. But if you'd like to know more, you can explore that phone of yours," Yoongi said as she shoved it in her pocket.

After she nodded in response, his eyes then trailed off to the boxes in the room and furrowed his brows at the disarray mess the place was. He looked down at Ronny with a stern look and instructed, "I'll help you clean this place up tomorrow. You should get some rest for tonight, since you have to wake up early tomorrow."

The girl furrowed her brows at this and protested. "It's already been enough of a bother to-"

But she wasn't able to finish her sentence before he so rudely turned away and left her, closing the door behind him.

Ronny blinked at this 'rude' action, and soon groaned as she turned her attention to the boxes.

She would rebel from his order. He's already been bothered enough by saving her. She was in a bad state, yes, but she's not completely incompetent and was more than capable of unpacking and arranging a few items herself.

So instead of resting despite being somewhat tired and wanting to lay down, she motioned for the box in the third corner of the room, which had the '거실' label.

She opened the box and started to take out the items one by one and place it where she found best fitting.

 And she grew more fatigue with each item being moved, that she had decided to let herself sit down on the set couch in the meantime, catching a little rest. But her short nap had ended up being extended to the sun's rising hour. Her numb senses failed to wake her up despite the sunlight's warm touch peeking through the open balcony. Ronnalyn kept her arm resting on her closed eyes as she snored off, stuck in dreamland and too numb from real time to even react to the door suddenly opening from outside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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