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iii. A Poet
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 Sejin decided it best to give Lee Soh-ra a quick tutorial on how her manager role was supposed to work before he fled off with one of his boys to an undercover mission in Southeast Asia,-of course what he had taught her would be followed up with what the other managers (and perhaps Si-hyuk himself) would teach her.

Of course it was given that a manager should learn their skills before entering the company, but Si-hyuk had emphaty for the old dreamer and did not want to waste such talent. If she cannot showcase it to the world, she was fit to raise those that will. Fortunately for this case, Soh-ra was generous with her talent.

So perhaps their scouting for trainees did not take an immediate step in the plan, but at least there was a manager for the girls that they'd be taking in their den.

 It had been two days since Sejin left by flight, and three since Soh-ra was taken in as a manager for BigHit. However, the Thursday morning's air still did not pull Lee Soh-ra to that reality. It was somehow hard for her mind to comprehend that she is now a BigHit staff, but she's been walking prepped into the building for already two days,-and today of course.

"Good morning, Soh-ra." That had been the usual greeting she'd hear from the same voice whenever she entered the agency's premises. Aera, the CEO's adviser, is someone of high profile yet was extremely nice to Lee Soh-ra that one would mistaken them to have been best friends since high school. Well, obviously that was not the case. "Good morning, ahjumma," Soh-ra would greet back in a way to tease Aera of her age which was no further than hers. Then Aera would laugh at this, and the two would proceed to where they were needed.

For today, Aera was needed in her office as her secretary had reported a phone call with a modelling agency. Soh-ra was needed in Si-hyuk's office, as it seems that the tutorial for her manager role was not yet over.

Well, it will be soon, as Si-hyuk was about to send her out to her priority task.

 Lee Soh-ra was congratulated softly for her quick learning as she was able to apply what she's been told with minimum repetition. "You're a fast learner, Soh-ra. Have you graduated with a degree?" Si-hyuk asked, and Soh-ra smiled while shaking her head 'no'.

"Actually, sir... I never went to school... Our family was too poor, so I used my surroundings as a learning environment," she started on, her tone soft as she reminisced her scrapped childhood. "Of course, as a child, we were all curious to those things around us. So, if my entire childhood's learning depended on my own curiosity, you can bet I went out a lot... I guess from my own discoveries, I developed my fast learning skills." Si-hyuk nodded and was clearly in awe for her backstory.

"Well... Until of course I got scouted by J.Tune Camp to be an idol, but what I really wanted to be was an actress... So they trained me for that, and well..." Soh-ra chuckled as she shrugged and gestured to her well-dressed self that was now standing in a high profile room. "Here I am," she said delightfully.

Si-hyuk let out a soft chuckle, her backstory seemingly pulling an emphatetic string in him, which made her a staff reputation more favorable. However, she wasn't brought here to share her life story, she was brought her for a task.

The CEO cleared his throat and ushered for Soh-ra to take a seat, which she obeyed and sat still. "Here," Si-hyuk said as he handed her a folder containing papers over his desk, which Soh-ra reached out to and held carefully. "These files contain our scouting background with our former trainees, and the idols we have today," he said as Soh-ra opened the folder skeptically.

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