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ii. An Overview
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 "Where did she go?"

Minjun nervously replied while growing shaky in his seat, his right hand anxiously rubbing up and down on his left hand. "H-home, sir. I made sure Soh-ra went straight home safely, she did not attend anywhere else, sir," he replied while peering over the items on the manager's desk.

"Well done," the manager hummed in pleasure and gestured for Minjun to be dismissed.

Minjun stood to obey his gesture and was already headed for the door when he halted and froze just as his hand was reaching for the room's doorknob. The manager noticed this when he didn't hear the door opening for Minjun to leave, and this made him look up from his tablet and dig a hole through Minjun's back with his skeptical glare.

Minjun was able to feel this with the shivers running down his spine and turned to meet the not-so-pleased manager's glare. "Leave," the manager sternly commanded.

Now, if there was anybody in the company that wasn't scared of this nameless manager, there were three.

First and foremost, the higher man; the CEO of the company. The only person in this agency that knows his name. Why he even agreed to let it be kept a secret is beyond the other staffs and idols.

The second was a female trainee within the company, who is the assigned leader, lead vocalist, and rapper of the group she will be debuting in. Her name is Kim Yujeong, and she is the only trainee or idol that can stand up to the nameless company manager. This could be a part of why she is one of the few trainees that do not trust and turn to Lee Soh-ra like the majority would.

And the last, the obvious, the one that was currently going against the manager's command. Minjun.

Now the manager wasn't surprised when Minjun turned to face him when he strictly told him to leave. What surprised him was the sudden uttering of a question he'd never wanted to hear from anyone, especially from the likes of him. "Do you have a problem with Soh-ra?"

"Why do you ask?" The manager retorted curiously.

Minjun gave off a soft inaudible scoff and stepped towards the seat he was once sitting on earlier. This made the manager's expression grow more unpleased, evident in how his grip on his tablet tightened making the prominent veins on the back of his hands more... Evident. Minjun then answered to the manager's question, "oh nothing," he started rather smugly.

"It's just that you seem to be determined to make sure Soh-ra never gets a chance in the spotlight. It is you that approved of her casting in that failed film. I'm thinking you did that on purpose," he commented with the tone that made it sound like he caught a criminal in the act. "Nonsense," the manager quickly retorted. "If anything, Page Turner was a promised success. The fault is within the promotion and marketing... And Lee Soh-ra's terrible performance as the heroine," he explained confidently, eyes sneering of to the poster of said film, next to the collection of the company's other projects.

Minjun rolled his eyes at the explanation which he found completely ridiculous and pathetic. "Do you seriously think you have the power to stop Soh-ra from fulfilling her dreams?" He asked the now angered superior man. "Is there something you're hiding, manager?"

"Enough!" The manager immediately responded with a raise of tone as he shot up from his seat, slamming his hands on his desk, fortunately barely missing his fragile device.

Then, his tone returned to its normal low and rather apathetic tone. "The less you know would be better, Minjun. However, that doesn't necessarily state that I am hiding something." At this, Minjun rolled his eyes again but made it minimum to be less evident to the already fired up man in front of him.

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