"Brittany!" I sprint through the bushes. "Brittany, where are you?"
I'm panting when I make it to the clearing where we parked. "Brittany!" I shout again.
No response. I run to the car. There's blood on the ground. My heart drops.
I see Brittany's phone out of the corner of my eye and lunge at it, dialing 911 as fast as my fingers will move.
"911, what's –"
"We're at the clearing in the forest. Route 40 and Arrow Boulevard. My friend was kidnapped. Um, there's blood on the ground. Um..."
"Did you see who took your friend?" The voice cuts me off.
"Did you see the car they drove away in?"
"Is it possible the abductor is still in the area?"
"I don't," I spin around, scanning the trees, "I don't know. No, I don't think so."
I can hear sirens wailing from the highway.
"Okay, stay calm. Help is on its way. Would you like to stay on the –"
I end the call and shove the phone in my pocket. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I scream and begin pacing. I wish I could just think. Who would care about Claire kissing me?
Hodge is the first officer to show up. "What happened, kid?"
"Brittany's gone." My lip quivers. "We were trying to figure out who killed Claire and I went down to the river while she took a call. I heard her scream but I didn't make it back in time."
Hodge turns toward the other officers. "Search the area," he orders. The officers nod and begin jogging through the trees.
"Hodge, we have to find her. We have to." My voice shakes. "Please."
He's nodding. "We'll do the best we can, kid."
"Please, tell me you have a lead. Who's doing this?" I beg.
He blows a breath out through his teeth. "All of our suspects have been exhausted. We're doing our best, but... We've got nothing."
"No," I whimper. Tears stream down my cheeks. "Hodge, no."
He shrugs. "The psychologist came up with characteristics we can look for, based on the style of the murders. We're assuming the suspect is male. He tortures women but kills men. It's questionable though because we don't get many male serial killers who don't sexually assault their victims and Claire and Mia both came up clean for sexual assault. Someone who used to hurt animals. He probably doesn't have close family."
"You just gave me the description of every serial killer," I snap.
"Well, it's what we've got." He shrugs. "Listen, kid. Odds are, you don't know who this guy is. He's just some wacko hillbilly serial killer. You're better off if you stay safe and stay away from him. Leave it to the professionals."
The officers come back and shake their heads at Hodge. He sighs. "Come on. Let's get you home."
I can't stop crying. Hodge glances at me in the rear-view mirror but he doesn't say anything. My head is running circles trying to figure out how I can find Brittany.
"Alright, stay safe tonight," he says as he opens the door for me. "I'll let you know if we get any updates."
My dad is on the porch and pulls me into a bear hug. I sob into his chest. "They got Brittany," I cry. "She's gone."

ROUGH DRAFT of Loser || WlW
Mystery / Thriller*THIS IS NOT THE MOST UPDATED VERSION OF THIS STORY. Check out "Loser (New and Improved) for the official story* It only took one night to change her life. A night that she doesn't remember. Jordan Taylor was trying to stay in the shadows of her pr...