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 I grab the spare set of keys from the bowl on the counter and dash out the front door to an empty driveway.

"Shit," I whisper. My dad took the car to work.

I go back inside. The walls shake as I slam the door. "Fuck!" I can't drive and my phone is still at school, dead with Trevor. "Okay." I let out a long breath. I pull Brittany's phone out of my pocket and dial Zachary's number.

"Hey," he answers.

"Hey, Zach. I saw your note. Come on, let me come pick you up." I clear my throat. He doesn't know that I know. I repeat it in my head over and over.

"I'm sorry, Jo. I'll get clean this time. I promise. I'll be back in a few months."

"Let me help you," I beg. "I know I've been absent lately because of... Everything, but I'll be here for you. Come home."

The line goes silent for a second. "You're not mad?" he asks. There's a hitch to his voice.

Shit. He knows.

"No, I mean yeah. Of course, I'm mad. I'm pissed. But maybe we can work through it together this time." I'm rambling.

His voice is dark as he says, "Sorry, Jo. I'll see you soon." The line goes dead.

I dial Hodge's number and pace the living room. It feels like hours have passed before the line connects to his voicemail.

I hang up and call my dad. "Brittany?" he asks.

"Sorry, Dad. It's me. I need you to send me Aunt Jane's address," I say, glancing at the clock. It's about an hour's drive from here and Zach couldn't have left too long ago. I'm not sure why I think he's there. It always had that deserted, hunting shack vibe. It's the only place I could imagine Zach would be able to hide people for months without getting caught.

"Why do you need her address?" he asks.

"I think Zachary might be there and I need to go pick him up before he relapses again," I lie. The less my dad knows, the better. I'd rather him stay safe at home than try to follow me there.

"Okay, I'll send it to you but don't push him too much if he's tripping. I don't want him to lash out at you."

"Okay, Dad. Thanks." I cut him off.

"Okay, kiddo. I'll see you tonight."

"Hey, Dad? I'll go to college, okay? I love you. I gotta go. Send me the address," I say and hang the phone up.

I dial Hodge again but it goes straight to voicemail.

I let out a breath and begin to dial 911 when something crashes in the backyard. I spin on my heel, facing the back of the house. My head spins. The tequila and my adrenaline are fighting for dominance.

I walk down the hallway, sliding my hand against the wall to steady myself as I exit through the backdoor. "Zach?" I call out. My voice shakes. Maybe he took my bait after all. "Zach, you there?" I take a few more steps and peer over the fence but nothing.

Maybe it was just the wind. I turn to go back to the house as a hand clamps firmly over my mouth. My eyes go wide. Zachary is staring down at me, his arm around my neck as he shushes me.

I let out a muffled scream.

"Shh," he says again, pressing a rag firmly against my mouth. "I'm saving you."

I throw a punch. My movements are too slow though. My vision goes dark as he lowers me to the ground.

"I won't let anyone hurt you," he coos as I pass out.

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