The New Loser

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Hey, guys! 

Some of you may have seen my post on my conversation board but for those of you who aren't following me, I'd like to announce that in honor of this story being one of my most popular works of fiction, I am going to be re-working and re-writing it. 

There's one main reason for this:

1. This was one of the first stories I ever wrote and I have learned so much since then that I know I can honor the characters and their stories so much better with the tools I've gained throughout my writing journey.

I'm going to try to answer as many questions as you might have in the following text, but as always, if you have any other comments/questions/concerns, feel free to leave them here and I'll answer them as quickly as possible. 

1. New stakes/New story: Anyone can be the killer and anyone can die. Yes, this means Brittany and Jordan too (insert devil emoji here).

 2. I am currently in the outlining phase and don't know how long it will be before I start posting updates but I can promise that I will work as efficiently as possible to get this story out ASAP.

3. New Title/Cover: As of right now, the original "Loser" will remain active on Wattpad. The new and improved story will have a different name and cover. So, you won't have to worry about losing the original forever. 

4. I'm going to be making mood boards and maps and whatnot for this story and posting them on my Instagram/TikTok so if you'd like to follow me on either of those socials, feel free. The links will be in my bio.

That's all I can think of ATM, but again, feel free to leave any questions in the comments and I'll answer them ASAP (: Thank you all so much for following and reading my stories. It really does mean the world to me. I'll never be able to thank you enough for enabling me to follow my passion for all these years.

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