Must Have Been The Wind

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Song based AU. Both Dabi and Shigaraki are 16 in this story.

   Dabi's P.O.V

   Meeting my upstairs neighbors was a strange experience. They came down the day they moved into the apartment complex we lived in and introduced themselves. A father and son duo, around my age sixteen, while the father was probably in his late forties. I forgot the dads name but the boys name is Shigaraki. They came down, introduced themselves and said they were our upstairs neighbors. My mom said her hellos and greeted them at the door with me. But something was off about the blue haired kid. He cowered behind his dad and seemed to be scared of his own shadow. He seemed scared, like a mask of happiness over his true self. Maybe I'm just reading into it too much. 

   It was summer when they moved which proved for a messed up sleeping schedule and days at the apartment pool more likely for me. I would stay inside or go out and there was no in between. Mom was always at work so that left me without anything else to do while I'm at home. Today was one of those quiet days, where it had rained the night before and was still grey and cloudy. Most people would probably be sad that a glorious summer day was wasted by rain but it was now just an excuse to play video games. Waking up at two in the afternoon, I took a quick shower to rinse the chlorine from my black hair and refresh myself from the pool water of that night. I stayed in the pool until I was kicked out at four in the morning by the pool boy who cleans it every morning. I didn't pick a fight with him because I was tired anyways and went straight to bed after changing. 

   My mom was off at another endless day of work and once again I was home alone. I grabbed my laptop, bundling up in covers because my mom prefers the house to be freezing old all the time. Opening up Steam, I logged on and picked a randomly free game and started playing. I wasn't paying too much attention to whatever it was that I picked but it seemed to be some kind of horror visual novel. I wasn't too invested in the story but the characters were nicely put together. My train of thought was broken by the sound of glass shattering on the wall in the apartment above mine. At first, I thought it was just me dreaming. Maybe just part of the visual novel. It had been a few hours and it was getting near the so called 'scary parts' of the game. Shaking it off as some dumb sound effect, I continued playing. 

   But then I heard the voice of a boy and it sounded like he'd been crying. Taking off my headset, I knew it was from outside the game. It wasn't a characters voice and it sounded too real. Closing my computer, I stood in silence and listened for another sound, a voice rather. The same crying, almost whimper sound came from the ceiling. Now I'm too worried to go back to my game. Grabbing my shirt I had thrown on the floor, I slipped it on and went to the elevator to the second floor. The doors split open and I walked down the eerily quiet hall. I knocked on the familiar door right above my apartment and waited for an answer. The boy I didn't expect showed up. "H-hello?" he seemed confused and slightly shaken up by something. "Hi. I heard crying from above me in my apartment? Are you okay? You can always lean on me you know." I asked, slightly concerned that in summer he was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. 

   "O-oh yeah. Everything's good. Probably just your ears playing tricks on you." He attempted a smile but it didn't seem right. "Are you sure? I can alwa-" he cut me off before I could say more. "Thanks for caring, sir, that's nice of you but I have to go back in. Um, don't mention this okay? I'm okay. I swear it must have been the wind." and with that, the door was closed just as soon as it was opened leaving me in the humid hallway. I walked back to the elevator and to my apartment more confused than when I left. 'Sir'? He seemed suspicious, almost hiding something. I knew it wasn't just the wind. It couldn't have been. Right? 

   I went back to my room, laying on my carpeted floor trying again to come up with something I could do to help him. Going back to his apartment seemed useless. He would give me the same answer or maybe his father would answer the door. That was the last thing I needed. I didn't wanna intrude because it could seriously be nothing. I didn't have all the facts. Closing my eyes, I tried to think but my thoughts were broken with a scream followed by more tears sobs. I couldn't make out what was being said but I didn't need to know; I knew it was bad. I couldn't bare the thought of leaving him. Maybe if I caught him in the act of crying, he couldn't hide it from me. So, I marched right back to the elevator, pressing the button for the second floor and walking down the silent halls. Before knocking for the second time tonight, I placed my ear by the door and listened in to hear something but it was silent again. Dammit.

   Without warning, I knocked again, answered by the boy with blue hair. "You can't seriously tell me that was the wind. That was a person." I said, brows furrowed and knitted together in confusion. "I don't know what you mean. Your ears must be playing tricks on you." He insisted, his gaze stuck on his shoes. "That was the wind. Just, if you really wanna know- nevermind it's not important." He was about to close the door but before he did I said "You can lean on me." And then the door was shut. Running down my apartment, I ripped open my computer and went to YouTube typing in the words 'Lean On Me' and clicking the second video. Pausing it before it even started, I turned up the volume and started blasting the song. I knew he could hear it, almost anyone in the apartment could. But it was a signal. And I only hoped he knew that. I sat by the door, waiting to see if anyone would stop by. And he did.

   With a gentle knock on my door, I ripped it open seeing the blue haired boy stand in the doorway, small drops of water welled up in his eyes. He ran to me, arms out gripping me like his life depended on it. Maybe it did. Maybe he just had one problem on another. But the important thing was that he could lean on me. 

                    And that it wasn't 'just the wind'.

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