Momma (part 2)

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(part 2 to Momma)
Dabi's P.O.V

   "Babe, wait." I called, speed walking over to him. He had pulled his hood up over his hair and was staring at the ground. I grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn to me. He was crying now, not violently, but just enough where you could see it in his eyes. "I don't want to talk right now." There was something about the way he said it that made me scared not to listen to him so I just nodded and walked beside him. I could hear sniffles and quiet sobs. I went to comfort him. To wrap my arm around his shoulders but he just shook me off and glared at me silently. I moved away, walking on my own. I couldn't exactly be mad at him even if I wanted to blame it all on him. It was me this time. It was always me. I just hated admitting it.

   We made our way into the hideout together while everyone else stared up at us. "I'm going to my room. Nobody follow me. Nobody talk to me. Just let me leave." Tourma said, walking down the hallway to his room, the creaking of his door indicating he was inside. "Okay Dabi, what did you do?" Kurogiri asked, patting the leather couch beside him. "Why do you assume its something I did." I defended, crashing onto the couch and throwing my legs over the arm of the couch. "It's always something you do." Toga said, looking up from the pocket knife in her hand. "So, what did you do?" I debated telling them about what I was really doing or just making something up but decided against it. I knew they would find out sooner or later.

   "Well, I was visiting my mom in the hospital and-" Toga and Kurogiri looked at me with confused glances. "Wait, what? Your mom is in a hospital?" Toga asked. "Yeah. That's where I've been and that's where Shigaraki followed me to. Anyways, I just talked to her for a little bit and he heard everything I said. He wanted to tell you guys that I was there and I just didn't want you guys to know. I thought you would look at me as weak and he was just trying to be nice and I just snapped at him." Toga was silent, taking in the information while Kurogiri stared at me with wide eyes. "You didn't say what I think you did. Please tell me you didn't." I didn't answer, just stared at my hands that were intertwined in my lap. "God dammit Dabi. I told you that out of trust. You can't just throw it around like it's some kind of one up tool. That was his past. Fuck you." Kurogiri left the room and down the hall, I'm guessing to check on Shiggy. That's before he started screaming. "I SAID LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Both mine and Toga's eyes went wide, staring at each other before Kurogiri came back to the living room area. "Care to explain things to Toga. I'm sure she's confused." I frowned at him. "You know, your being a dick." He clenched his fists in his lap. "And you're even worse. Explain. Now."

   "Fine. Toga, Shigaraki killed his family. There I said it. I used that against him and I feel like a fucking monster because of it. You don't have to rub it in that I hurt him okay." I stood up and walked down the hallway to his room. The door was slightly creaked open and I could hear sniffles emitting from his room. Peaking my head in his room, I looked over at his figure, sitting at the edge of his bed. I walked over silently, wrapping my arm around him. "What the fuck do you want?" He spat, venom dripping from his voice. "I wanted to apologize. You didn't deserve any of what I said. I didn't see how that would have hurt you in the moment and I was being stupid and scared. I'm sorry."  I hung my head, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

   "I was upset because you didn't understand how happy I was for you. I was glad you have a relationship with your mother. That you can talk to her and she loves you. I loved my mom. But I killed her. It also shocked me that Kurogiri had told you. I was going to tell you later on but that was kinda ruined. You deserved to know. I just wish I could have told you instead. So, I guess I'm sorry for over reacting." He was crying now, squeezing my hand back, his pinkie floating above my hand. "You didn't over react. In fact, I over reacted. The rest of them know about my mom but they probably don't know as much as you do." I scratched the back of my neck, smiling a little. Then an idea came to mind.

   "How would you feel about meeting her tomorrow?" He perked up a little, then his shoulders slumped. "It's okay. I wouldn't want to be a bother or anything." I pulled him into a hug, his arms and legs wrapping around me like a koala. "You're not a bother. Plus, I already planned on asking you when I came back. Mom already knows too." He lifted his head up from my shoulder. "Really?" I nodded. "Yes, really." He nodded his head, resting back on my shoulder, small snores coming from him after a few minutes. Kicking off my shoes, I laid down with him and switched off the lamp, pulling the halfway dissolved comforter over us and laying down.

   The next morning, I woke up with Shiggy still connected at my neck and waist. Sitting against his headboard, I let him keep straddling me, his head hanging in the opposite shoulder from last night. His hair stuck up in different directions, tangled and greasy. "Shiggy. Get up." I shook him slightly. Groaning in response, he just moved his head and shook his body. I leaned in close to his ear. "Shake anymore, and I'll get a boner. And you don't want that." And without a moments hesitation, he rolled off of me and got up. "Go take a shower." I said, going through his closet and trying to find something bright to wear. Towards the back, there was a light grey sweatshirt and a pair of red jeans. Tossing them to him, he started digging through his dresser finding a pair of boxers and socks. "I'll be back in twenty minutes. What time is it?" He asked, yawning and covering his mouth. "It's eleven thirty. We'll leave around twelve thirty okay." He just nodded, walking out the door and to the bathroom.

   Yawning and stretching myself, I walked from his room to mine going straight for my closet. Digging through my dresser, I pulled out a pair of black jeans and a white shirt with a black jacket. Throwing my clothes on, I went to the bathroom to style my hair. Tourma was still in the shower but he didn't mind. Spiking my hair up, he finished his shower, changing while I finished my hair. Smiling, he dried his hair with the towel, getting dressed before he held out his pinkie. Latching my pinkie with his, we exited the room together, saying our goodbyes to Toga and Kurogiri and walking out the hideout.

   Our walk was a silent one on my part while he asked loads of questions. "Is she nice?" He asked, swinging our pinkies between us. "Yes. She is nice." I reassured, turning on the sidewalk. "Are you sure she'll like me? I don't know that she would." I grabbed pinkie harder and brought  it towards my face. He stopped, staring at me. "She still loves me after all I've been through. She will love you just as much." I answered, kissing his hand before turning again and making it to the entrance. I checked in like I did everyday, also mentioning I had a guest which they dismissively noted and let us in.

   Walking to the third floor, he went silent, his hand shaking a little. Reassuring him, I knocked on the wooden door before creaking it open. She was on her bed, facing the window outside. "Hey mom." I said, closing the door behind me. "Hey Touya. Who's that behind you?" She waved my in, inviting me to sit down. Sitting on the small couch, I patted the seat next to me. I linked our pinkies again and reassured him again before speaking up. "Mom, this is Tourma. Tourma, this is my mom." He waved his hand a little, our pinkies still intertwined on the seat beneath us. "This is Tourma? He talks a lot about you ya know?" She smiled while his face turned pink, smiling himself. "Mom~" I groaned, covering my face with my hands. "What? I think it's cute." She smiled, holding out her hand. He shook it, pinkie up. "It's my quirk." He explained, he confused face going to one of understanding.

   We talked for what felt like days rambling on about different subjects from past stories to quirks and other various topics. One of the things Shiggy was scared of the most was her asking about villain type things which I had already told mom after a few visits that I didn't want to talk about it. She understood and never mentioned it again. After a good few minutes of talking, he relaxed and became more social towards her, smiling a little when they were invested in a deep conversation. It made a little part of me light up inside knowing he was happy.

   "The visiting hours are almost over. I think we should head back soon." I stated, standing up from my chair to put my big jacket on and give mom a hug. She accepted with a small pat on my back and a smile. Saying his goodbyes, he grabbed my pinkie and latched it with mine, swinging them slightly. Waving while we walked out the door, it closed shut with a click and we left as soon as we came. "I really enjoyed visiting her today. It wasn't what I expected at all." He said, our hands still swinging between each other. "I'm glad you liked it. I'll bring you back whenever you want." I promised, gripping his pinkie a little tighter. "She's like a second mother." He mumbled, smile still plastered across his cheeks. I turned to kiss his cheek quickly, making his face turn a deep shade of pink. Shoving me a little to the side, he giggled slightly before reconnecting our hands that had broken their connection as we made our way back to the hideout.

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