Void Of Color

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So, y'all remember that one scene in trolls where they all go grey because they lost hope in life? Yeah, that's this one-shot.

Tourma's P.O.V

   I was devoid of any color since I was twelve. It was a little disheartening to see everyone around me full of color and myself being completely gray. You start out with vibrant colors. Everyone does. But once you hit rock bottom, your color fades and you become grey.  After my family died, leaving me in foster care going from house to house, I slowly lost my color. It started when my family died. No distant family took me in and going to a complete strangers house was saddening so I started going dull. Red eyes turned a dull ruby color, my once blue hair going more grey than blue. The color from my face drained making me look more pale than I already was. And its not like you can hide it so people constantly ask what's wrong with me. Then, another foster family came in, all worse than the last. They used me for foster money they got each month and treated me terribly. I was less than human in most of their eyes. There were these two nice couples that took me in. One was on a older couple who treated me well. My color started coming back only for me to move to another house and dull again. The other couple was two women who liked me and treated me like I was their own blood and flesh. They tried their hardest to get my color to return and they got really far but it wasn't like before. They tried and that's what made me happy. My color dulled when I went to my current foster family. They were the worst.

   It was a mother, father, and two siblings. The two siblings hated me, the parents hated me, they all hated me. I had a small bedroom which was my personal space that was always invaded by the siblings because they thought it was fitting. I didn't have much so all their toys littered my room floor. I didn't mind. It used to be their playroom anyways and I didn't want to tell them otherwise. The parents might hurt me. School was something I always looked forward to. It was the only place to get away from my home. Though school wasn't too much better, it was better than the people you live with hating you. I could deal with strangers hating me all they wanted.

   My walk to school was one too fast for comfort but it was quiet none the less. I enjoyed these quiet walks most days but sometimes they became too much for me and my mind so I played music. I had a terribly old phone but it played music and that's all I cared about. I've had the same one since the old couple took me in, the old woman letting me have it. I appreciated it deeply as it was the first phone I'd ever had. Making my way into school, the students pushed me on my way to the locker but it wasn't anything I wasn't used to. Putting in my locker combination, I grabbed my backpack, rushing to finish my math homework. I had kept my bag and school things here. I brought them home once and the parents ripped my homework to shreds then get mad when I make C's and D's on my report card saying I won't go anywhere in life. So, I leave all my things at school and try to bring up my grades with extra credit work. I know I don't have to but I want to prove that I'm smarter than they think I am.

   Going to my classroom early, I sat in the middle row, rushing to put the formulas on my paper. She collected our homework at the beginning of class. I always about an hour early so I have enough time. Scribbling furiously, I wrote down the last equation right as the bell rang. People started rushing in, nobody daring to question the black eye I had. They probably didn't notice and thought it was just a darker part of my sickening grey skin. The teacher came in a moment later demanding the homework be turned it. I handed to her and she added it to the stack of papers on her desk. "Okay class, today we have a new student joining us. He should be here soon." She said right as the door opened. A tall boy walked in, dark black hair and blue eyes that pierced right through you. He seemed like the stereotypical straight jock that liked to bully people. Just great. Another person to make my life hell.

   "Please, introduce yourself to the class." The teacher said happily, starting  to grade homework. "Hello. My name is Dabi. Yes, that's it. I'm sixteen and my favorite subject is reading. I think that concludes the basics about me." He said, looking back at the teacher. "That was wonderful, please go sit next to Tenko." I hated that name. I want to get it legally changed but I have to wait until I'm eighteen before I can. He sat next to me, staring a hole into the back of my grey head.

   The teacher started class, the subject going straight through one ear and out the other. Most of highschool was note taking so I didn't actually focus on the notes I was writing and read them on my own later. Finishing the notes, the bell rang and everyone left, Dabi staying behind to look at his schedule. "Wait. Tenko, right?" He asked. I turned around ready for an insult. "Do you know where English for Mr.Yamada is?" He asked. "Yeah. That's where I'm going. Follow me." Nodding, he grabbed him bag from the floor and followed me through the halls. We showed up to class a moment later. "Let me see your schedule." I said, grabbing the paper from his hands. "Most of our classes are the same. If you need help finding them, I know this school pretty well." He smiled, thanking me before sitting down at a desk near the back. I sat in my assigned seat, waiting for the teacher yet again. He almost never gave homework resulting in my having a solid B- in his class which I can say is better than most of my classes. His class was just like the last, all blurring into nothingness, writing notes, bell rings, walk to class. I just liked the pure boredom rather than beating and screaming at home.

   Lunch time rolled around and I went to my normal table, a small, two seater near the back. I was in a class that didn't have Dabi in it so hopefully he could find the lunch room. My sitting and staring at notes was cut short by a black haired boy standing by the second empty seat. "Can I sit here?" He asked, pulling out the chair. "Sure, but be careful. Food tends to come flying in my direction." I warned. He still sat down. "I know I don't know you well but what's with the bruise?" He asked. I was kinda shocked he noticed. "Its not a bruise, it's just a dark spot on my skin." He raised an eyebrow. "My mom has the same skin when my dad-. You know what, let's get to the point. What's with the bruise?" I faltered, taking in the new information before coming up with a lie. "My little sister was mad at me. Threw a book at me." He seemed to by it, nodding and grabbing a lunch bag from his backpack.

   "Did you bring a lunch?" I shook my head no, grabbing a notebook from my bag and foong over my notes. "Do you want anything from the lunch line?" Another head shake. "Why not?" He asked. "Mom doesn't give me money or let me take things from home." I explained quietly. He seemed to click pieces together, nodding and grabbing his apple from his bag holding it out. I took it and smiled thanking him. "Not a problem. You've helped me out alot today." He said, watibg his own food. We talked back and forth, and then lunch ended and we walked to class together.

   "Where do you live?" He asked. I told him the address and his face lit up. "I live close to there. Wanna walk from school together?" He asked, stopping at his next period door. I nodded. "Meet me by the big oak near the front." I mumbled, waving and walking to my own classroom. The rest of the day was a haze, my own thoughts taking over the teachers voice. The day finnaly ended and for once I was ready to walk home. We met by the big oak and walked next to each other the whole way home. My house was before his so we stopped. Before I could go inside he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "It will get better for you. I know it will."

   And with that, my hand slipped from his to brush my dusty blue hair from my eyes and smile. A genuine smile for the first time in years.

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