The Path

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Super short but still cute. Also, trigger warning about death.

    I grabbed his hand and walked him along the path. Away from everyone and to his new life. To a world of forever happiness and joy. A world he will like better than his own. He was scared, unsure of who I was or what just happened to himself. He wasn't sure how to feel or what to say. He just let me drag him along the path and watched as his past memories unfolded on the path.

   It was a long path to take with many memories. Good and bad ones alike all on the path. We started at a hospital, the day he was born. His mother and father looked so joyful to have their son finally in the real world with them. Holding him close, they all shed tears and seemed happy together. A good memory.

   The next was around the age of three, a toddler. He was walking at this point and making sense of words and how to talk properly. They seemed to be having a family cookout or something along those lines. They all seemed overjoyed with life, excited to have their family all together. Another good memory to have.

   The next, he was around twelve, scared and crying. It was a sad day full of hatred and anger. Anger for his entire family. He was in his room, things all packed in a backpack slung on his back. While he quietly opened his bedroom door, he walked out of his home and to start a new life by the young age of twelve. A bad memory.

   He was now a teenager, probably seventeen with a few friends. He was in what seemed to be a hideout or hang out area of some sort. He had lots of friends, all smiling and messing with each other. But no matter how it looked, they were bad people. A gang of criminals out to do the worst for the world. I couldn't tell which memory this was. Good or bad, it was definitely something between.

   The second to last one was sad. Probably the worst of his memories. His lover, soulmate, whatever you would call it, in bed with someone else. Someone believed to be better than him. The emotion felt raw and heartbreaking. He felt replaceable. He felt useless. He felt nothing. And that lead to the last memory.

   He climbed on the chair, rope tied to his ceiling fan and around his neck. The letter was already messily scrawled and laying on the floor. He stood there, face blank and void of emotion. Nothing but silence. With the sudden kick of his feet, the chair slipped out from beneath him and his final breaths came only a few moments later. And now he was here in my care. That was the last of him memories and we had arrived. I led him to the gates of heaven where he looked confused. Before I could explain anything to him, an angel took his hand and led him away, disappearing out of sight.

   It is said that right before you go to heaven, you get to relive your entire life in seven minutes. I go with the people so they aren't alone. It is also said that death is a scary thing and feared by almost everyone but I like to make it a little better. I like to wall people on the path home. To their eternal resting place. And most of the time, people don't mind.

As the grim reaper, I help people accept death. And that is my purpose.

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