Chapter 1 - The Thief

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"No don't take my baby!" your mother yelled as they took you out of your mother's arms

"Mama?" you said reaching out to your mother

-Flashback end-

You jump from one roof to another as you run from the O'Khasis guards. You'd just pulled off one of you biggest thefts, stealing over 100 diamonds from Zane Ro'Meave and currently you were running for you life.

The armor the O'Khasis guards wear is supposed to be the best armor to ever exist as it protects the wearer no matter what hits them, but every pro has its con, and the downside to this armor is that it seriously reduces their agility and really slows them down, obviously your're not complaining since that really helps you out. You should thank the designer when you get the chance.

You manage to make it out of O'Khasis to a safe place in the abandoned village of Falcon Claw where you decide to wait to make sure no guards are chasing you.

You waited there for just over an hour  before you take off your cloak and put on a white and gold cape (like the one that Belle wears in beauty and the beast just change the red to gold) but didn't put up the hood.

You started to gather you belongings, ready to go back into O'Khasis, since as of right now that was the safest place for you to be, because who expects the most wanted thief to be in the place that they just stole from?

You put the black cloak into you bag over the diamonds you just stole to hide them from the guards on the gates.

- - -

You arrive to O'Khasis and smile sweetly at the guards who let you in straight away.

'Right just need to find a hotel to sleep in for the night and then I can leave this horrible place' you thought to yourself as you walk to your favorite hotel in O'Khasis

"Hello miss, what can I do for you" The man at the desk asks

"Hi, could I have a room for the night please?" You ask sweetly

"Of course miss, that'll be 4 diamonds"

You know that 4 diamonds for a one night stay is expensive, but you also know that this man is a good and honest person who needs the money to help his struggling family, so you always stay here to help him out

"Here keep the extra"  You say handing the man 10 diamonds

"N-no I couldn't this is too much" He says trying to give you some diamonds back

"Please keep them, I insist"

"Are you sure about this miss?" He asks still trying to give you the diamonds

"I'm positive"

"Thank you so much, here is you key" The man says handing you the key to you room

You take the key and walk to your room, you stay there until morning.

The orange sun beams through the large window in your room waking you up. You put back on your white and gold cape and head back to the reception to give your key back.

"How was your night miss?" The man asks

"It was perfect, worth every single diamond" You say handing the man back the key

You head out of O'Khasis and pull out your map, you'd robbed every single village nearby, and since those villages were nothing like O'Khasis you felt a little bad robbing them more than once without giving them time to recover.

'Meteli? I've never stolen anything from there and that is the closest village to where I am. So Meteli it is'

- - -

You saw some children running around and decide to ask them how far you were from Meteli

"Excuse me" You say loudly so they can hear you

"Yes Madam" A little girl with red hair says

"Do you know how to get to Meteli?" I Ask

"It's this way, I know because I'm from Meteli!" The girl states proudly

"Follow me" She says grabbing my hand and starts running into Meteli

"Here we are"

"Thank you, here take this for helping me" I say giving her two diamonds

Her eyes lit up and she throw her hands around me

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" She says squeezing me in a hug gently

"Make sure to keep them safe" I instruct before I walk off

I walk around the village listening to any conversations I can to help me know where to go for the best stuff. From doing this I learn that the Lord was recently kidnapped so everyone is on high alert, which will make things tricky but I do love a challenge. You also overheard that the head guard moved to a neighboring village called Phoenix Drop.

'I've heard of that village before, I'm pretty sure that they have 3 guards that are on the Jury of Nine waiting list. They'll definitely have a lot of diamonds, so I'll go there once this job is done' You say to yourself  

I manage to steal 5 diamonds and start running into the forest that surrounds this village. The guards weren't as persistent as the ones from O'Khasis so luckily you didn't have to run too far.

You decide to walk around the forest for awhile and you stumble upon a camp of people who look really ill. You hide and try to listen in to their conversations, and from the looks of it these are a mix of people that are on the run from O'Khasis and a few others are on the run from the king of Tu'la.

You walk up to them and drop a bag with 65 diamonds in, the leader of the group opens the bag.

"What is this for?" He asks dumbfounded

"I overhead you predicament, so here is something that could help you. There is a village nearby called Meteli, go buy some food, blankets and medicine, 65 diamonds should be enough to last you for a while whilst you get back on your feet" You state

"Thank you so much miss, we will never forget your kindness"

"Think nothing of it" You say

'Now time for Phoenix Drop and then I'll get some rest'

Aphmau's POV

"Lord Aphmau, I have news from Meteli" Laurance states

"What is is Laurance" Aphmau Asks

"Cadenza just got a letter, hand delivered by one of the guards from Hayden"

"What did it say?"

"It states: Dear my darling Cadenza,

We have just been robbed by the wanted thief 'The Shadow'.

I'm aware that Phoenix Drop hasn't been robbed by him yet, so please tell your guards to be on high alert as I fear he will rob Phoenix Drop next.

Love Hayden"

"Inform Garroth, Brian, Dale and Dante. We need everyone on high alert. We can't let him take any of those diamonds from the Irene indecent"

"Of course m'lord I'll let everyone know" Laurance says as he walks out of Aphmau's house


Thank you for reading this chapter <3

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