Chapter 2 - Meeting him

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You walked up to the gates of Phoenix Drop, the guards were in the middle of switching over the the gate was very poorly guarded, which made it the perfect time to sneak in.

Phoenix Drop isn't the largest village and from what I've heard it doesn't get too many visitors, so everyone inside will probably know all of the other residents well and know if there are any visitors in the village, so this time you can't just walk in, you've got to be sneaky.

You take off your white and gold cape and put on your black cloak and pull up the hood so it covers you face, moving you h/c hair out of your face so no one can see the color of you hair.

You look at the gates and decide that it'd be best to move quickly before they finishing switching the guards over.

You climb up a large tree and swing off of a branch landing on top of the wall.

Laurance's POV

"Dante, Dale, and Brian you three will guard the gates, Garroth you'll stay with me and we'll keep a look out for anything suspicious in the village. Laurance you'll guard the diamonds in the guard tower. Everyone got it?" Aphmau asks looking around at all of her guards

"Understood" Everyone says in unison and they start to go their separate ways to their positions

Your POV

You do your usual research and figure out that the diamonds are being kept in the main guard tower. You pull down the hood on your cloak more to make sure that no one can see you face and then pounce into action, running on rooftops and swinging from tree to tree before climbing up the back of the guard tower which was out of sight from most of the village.

You check your surrounds and see that no one else is in the tower with you, and then open the chest.

You were met with what you desired. Diamonds. But you were taken back by how many diamonds there were. There had to be over five stacks on diamonds in this one chest, that is the most diamonds that you've ever seen in one place, even in O'Khasis you've never seen this many diamonds.

You pick up one block of diamond and put it in your bag, but you got distracted by the amount and let your guards down. Big mistake.

"Put the diamonds back!" You hear a voice say behind you and then suddenly you feel a blade on your neck. You look down and see an emerald sword and on the other end of that sword you see a man with light brown hair and baby blue eyes.

You slowly raise you hands in the air in defeat and turn to face the man.

"Have you ever meet a thief before? We don't exactly put back what we take" You say sarcastically

"Wait... your a girl?" He asks looking extremely confused

"No I'm a guy as you can tell by my voice" You reply rolling your eyes

"Quiet, who are you?" He asks bringing his sword closer to my neck

"People call me the shadow, but I'm guessing you wanted my real name... which I'm not going to give to you"

"So you admit that you're the shadow? I could take you to the cells right now" He said grabbing my arm

"No I'm not, I'm just a girl who got lost and ended up in this guard tower, and these diamonds just ended up in my bad. I didn't do anything I swear" You say in a sarcastic tone

"Okay Princess I'm going to give you once chance to hand over the bag"

"Princess? What would that make you my Prince Charming" You say with a soft giggle that takes the guard by surprise since he pulls his sword away from your neck slightly giving you the opportunity to run

You smirk and kick the lower half of his leg causing him to loose his balance and stumble backwards.

"This was fun we should have another chat soon, my prince charming" You and jump out of the nearest window and land on a rooftop and start running

"If you were having so much fun, then why don't you stay a bit longer!" You hear the guard say

You turn around and see him standing in the window and shout to him

"I'm sorry Charming but I can't stay, but I'll come back to see you one day" You smirk at him then run off

Laurance's POV

"LAURANCE!" You hear Dante shout behind you

"Y-yeah?" You ask

"We saw a cloaked person jump out of this tower, you know the tower you were guarding. How did you let him get away?" Dante asked

"The Shadow is a girl Dante, gees" You say trying to lighten the mood

"Ah that makes sense then" You hear Aphmau say

"What's that supposed to mean?" You question

"We all know how you get around girls, Mr Casanova" Aphmau teases

"H-hey it wasn't like that this time" You protest

"Then how'd she get away?" Garroth asked

"Okay... so it was like that, but only for a second at the end! She just caught me off guard" You say holding your hands up in defeat jokingly

"It's fine Laurance, but we should do a patrol in the direction she ran in to try and find her. Did you by any chance see her face?" Aphmau asked

"No it was covered by her cloak"

Your POV

You climbed up a tree and found a sturdy branch to sleep on, but you couldn't help but think of that guard. You've met cute guards before, and you've even flirted with them to get information, so what was so different about this guard, you asked you self.

- - -

Laurance's POV

I was on patrol looking for the Shadow when I saw her, still in the same black cloak that covered her face, she was slowly climbing down from a tree.

She noticed something and started walking towards it. I noticed that it was a family camping out in the forest, they looked like travelers, but VERY poor travelers. She then pulled out the diamonds she stole and handed them over to the family

"Here, please take this" She hands them the block of diamond and a loaf of bread

"It may not be much but its all I have on me, and you need it more than I do" she says

Your POV

"Thank you" they say to you and then you continue on your way

You walk away from the family and then hear slow claps coming from behind you. You pull down your hood more over you face and turn around to see that guard from Phoenix Drop


Thank you for reading <3

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