Chapter 3 - Captured

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You walk away from the family and then hear slow claps coming from behind you. You pull down your hood more over you face and turn around to see that guard from Phoenix Drop

"Prince Charming, did you really miss me that much" You tease

"What can I say, I'm not one to wait for love to find me" He reply's as he pulls his sword out

"Diamonds. Give them back" He says extending his arm for me to put the diamonds in

"Like I said the first time we met sweetie, that is not how thief's work"

"Well you just gave a block of diamonds to that family, so obviously its how you work princess"

"So you saw me do that? So you saw me give the diamonds I stole from you to that family. If you so desperately want them back take them back from that family. But I doubt that you'd be so cruel to take them away from a family in need" You say

He growls under his breath like he's accepted that he's not getting those diamonds back.

"Fine, but your coming with me princess"

"Already taking me on a date? Slow down Casanova, you don't even know my name yet" You tease

"Maybe you could tell me your name whilst we're on this date" He teased back

"Nope not happening, Prince Charming, but I'm assuming you want to take me to your prison. So let me ask you a question, does this cell have a bed in it?" You ask

He raises his brow "Yeah it does"

"Perfect, them lets go charming" You say as you start heading back to Phoenix Drop

"W-Wait for me!" You hear him yell

"Hurry up Prince Charming!" You yell back

"You know I have a name, and unlike you I'm willing to tell you it" He says

"Okay Prince Charming, whats your name?" you ask as he walks at the side of you

"My name is Laurance and I'm the second guard in charge here in Phoenix Drop, I used to be the head guard in Meteli" He states proudly

"Head guard in Meteli? Oh yeah I over heard someone say that the head guard of Meteli left for Phoenix Drop, So that you Laurance"

"Sure is Princess"

- - -

"Look who I got!" Laurance yells excitedly and points to me, so I wave to everybody who's staring at me

"She came here willingly?" A girl with black hair asks

"Yup, it was all my charm" Laurance says flexing his muscles

You roll your eyes

"So where's this cell I was promised?" I ask

"This way" A guard with Blue hair says

You follow the guard to your cell and you immediately flop onto your bed

- - -

You open you eyes from your sleep and see Laurance stood near the bars

"Morning Princess" He says

You take your hood off and look at him

"Morning Prince Charming"

"Oh my..." He says looking at you e/c eyes

"What is it?" You ask

"N- It's nothing. Just that you're stunning" He says

"Okay Casanova" You say rolling your eyes, at that line you've heard over a million times

"Right so lets get down to business, What's you name" He ask

"The Shadow"

"You know what I mean. I want to know your real name"

"You're pretty demanding Laurance, I've willingly let you lock me up, and I've shown you what I look like all within 24 hours. So for now You can call me the Shadow or continue to call me Princess" You reply

"If you just wanted me to continue calling you princess you just had to ask" he teased

"Also Princess, The Lord wants to have a word with you"

"Okay well what is she waiting for?" You ask

"I'll go get her" He says walking towards the door

A girl with black hair walks up to the door and opens it

"Hello, I'm Lord Aphmau, so your the Shadow?" She asks tilting her head slightly

"Yeah I am"

"You're not what I was expecting, you don't look like your typical thief" She states

"I guess I don't? Maybe that's how I went undetected for so long" you say

"Well I-" Aphmau starts to speak but shes interrupted by the blue haired guard

"Aphmau, We've got a problem"

"What is it Dante?"

"Zane is at the gates" He says panicked


They both run out of the prison leaving my cell door wide open. But I'm a good prisoner so I won't run off, but maybe I'll go see what all the commotion is about. Because if this Zane is the same Zane I stole from the other day, then I want to see what he's doing here because it can't be good.

Aphmau's POV

"What do you want Zane?" I ask furiously

"Can't I just come by to see how my big brother is doing" Zane replied

"You should know you're not welcome here!" Laurance yellow

"Little Laurance, you should calm down. We don't want shadow knight incident to occur, now do we" Zane says mockingly

"I really don't think your welcome here, and since this isn't O'Khasis, you're not in charge so you should listen to the Lord of the Village your in."

I turn around and see the thief girl with her arms crossed staring at Zane, and if looks could kills, lets just say we wouldn't have to worry about Zane anymore

Your POV

Laurance walked over to you

"How'd you get out?" he whispered in my ear

"They left my cell open" I reply

"Your not the Lord of this village so why should I listen to you" Zane asked

"Because if you don't your a dead man" I reply

"Big words for such a little girl, sure you back up that statement" He mocked

In that split second of seeing Zane and him riling you up, you lost control. A pair of large white angel wings sprouted out of your back and you started to glow a soft white

"A celestial? so far from the sacred mountain?" Zane asked surprised

"For now I guess we'll leave you alone, but celestial's are so rare and powerful. You'd be a perfect fit for my Jury of Nine, especially since there will be an opening soon" He laughed then walked away taking his O'Khasis guards with him


Thank you fro reading <3

Also a celestial is basically an angel. (In this story Lady Irene is not a celestial, she is a regular person with powers who got blessed by a celestial hence her angel like form, I will explain this more later on in the story) <3

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