Chapter 6 - Training

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It's been 2 months since you move into Phoenix Drop, that also means it's been two months since you've heard anything from Zane.

"He said that she'd be a perfect fit for the Jury of Nine!" Aphmau argued

"Maybe he just meant it as a compliment" Dante suggests

"Have you met my brother? He's not exactly the type to give out compliments." Garroth says

"We haven't heard from him in two months, he's obviously plotting something!" Aphmau states, she looks very worried

"It's pretty obvious why Zane hasn't come to recruit me for the Jury" You say

"Why?" Aphmau asks

"Because he said that there will be an opening in the Jury soon, and if someone got kicked out of the Jury or one of the Jury members died, we would've heard about it by now. So clearly there isn't an opening yet" You says trying to calm Aphmau down

"Y-yeah I guess that makes sense" Aphmau says clearly relieved

"Okay I feel a little better leaving the village now, but if I hear anything about the Jury I'm coming straight back" Aphmau says

"Where are you going?" You ask

"I need to head out to Pikoro Village, the Lord has gone missing and I just have a feeling that Zane is behind it. So Garroth, Dante you're both coming with me. Laurance you stay here and protect her, and keep an eye out for Zane." Aphmau says before she heads back to her house to prepare for her trip

- - -

It's been a few days since Aphmau left the village and so far so good, there has been zero sightings of Zane or anyone from O'Khasis.

Laurance has been patrolling the village with Dale so you haven't really spoken to anyone since Aphmau left, since the only people who spoke to you was Aphmau, Dante, Garroth, and Laurance.

The other people in the village were a little frightened of you. You couldn't blame them though, first you come into their village and steal from them, and next you loose control and go into your celestial form and threaten the High Priest Zane, and on top of all that you still haven't told anyone your name.

Bored, you decide to do some sword practice. You were pretty good with a sword, but with the idea of Zane trying to kidnap you, you wanted to make sure you could protect yourself from him and any member of the Jury.

You go to a secluded part of the village and practice on a small tree, and in a few seconds you manage to cut the tree in half.

You heard a soft "Wow" behind you, and turn around to see Laurance.

"I didn't know you could fight that good Princess" He says with a smirk

"Yeah well there's a lot of stuff you don't know about me Prince Charming"

"I'd like to"

"You'd like to what?" You ask

"I'd like to get to know you better, and learn everything about you. Starting with... your name"

"Not yet"

"So... I will get to know it one day?" He asks tilting his head slightly

"One day, maybe"

"Then I look forward to that day m'lady, in the meantime though, do you want to try sparing?"

"Yeah, I'd love to kick your butt"

"We'll see about that, you know I'm not second in command for nothing"

You get into positions and Laurance counts down from 3. "3... 2... 1... GO" He shouts

Your sword clashes with his, and you try pushing him backwards but he won't budge. All of a sudden Laurance ducks and kicks you legs out from underneath you. You fall to the ground and Laurance holds his sword in front of you.

"Looks like I've wo-"

You kick you leg up knocking Laurance's sword out of his hand, and quickly jump up off of the ground and kick Laurance in the gut causing him to fall backwards and hit the tree behind him.

"Laurance I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kick you that hard" You shout as you run over to his side

"Are you okay?" You ask

"Everything except my pride" He states as he laughs it off

"I really underestimated how good you are" Laurance laughs

"I am pretty good, maybe I should become your guard instead"

"Maybe you should, and I had a lot of fun. We should do this more often"

"We should. Maybe I could even teach you how to do your job properly" You tease

"Hey! I wasn't that bad" He says trying to defend his honor

- - -

You walk back to the plaza of the village and see that Aphmau is back from her trip

"Hey you two!" She calls over to you and Laurance

"Have you heard anything from Zane" She asks

"Nope it's been pretty quiet around here. How'd you trip go"

"That's good to hear. And it went well. We found two missing Lords who had been taken by Zane and his Jury"

"Are they safe now?" Laurance asks

"Yeah kinda, they're both back in their village, but only the Lord of Pikoro woke up"

"At least they're both away from Zane. Anyways who are the new kids you've got with you?" You asks pointing at the little ghost boy and the werewolf pup

"Oh I almost forgot. We met them both on our journey. This is Malachi, and this is Yip. I'm taking Malachi in, so he'll be Levin's older brother, and I'm hoping that Donna and Logan will take Yip in since he'll be in better hands with them... ya know since Logan is also a werewolf. Oh and that woman is Lucinda she's a witch who helped us a lot"

"You've really got a big heart haven't you Lord Aphmau, bringing all these people in need into your home" you smile

"Lord? Thats the first time you've ever called me Lord" Aphmau states

"R-really, I didn't even realize, I guess I'm just more settled in now or something- ..." You stop mid sentance and stare a where the docks are

"What is it?" Laurance asks

"That boat, It's an O'Khasis boat!" You say pointing at the boat, your voice trembling

"WHAT" Aphmau and Laurance say in unison as the both look and the enormous boat that is pulling into the docks

"Why is there an O'Khasis boat here, I though that Zane would try and be more discrete when he tried to take you" Laurance says to you

"Are they going to invade us?!" Aphmau asks worriedly

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be fine. Lets just go see what they want" You say reassuringly


Thank you for reading <3

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