Chapter 5 - Slumber

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'Maybe I should go to Laurance, he is supposed to keep me safe. That includes keeping me safe from old memories.. right?' you thought to yourself

You got out of your bed and walked over to Laurance's room, you stood at his door wondering whether or not to go in.

'What if he thinks I'm weak, or that I'm annoying' you think to yourself 

You stare at his door as every single bad possibility goes through your head

In the end you decided to go in since it won't physically hurt you to try.

You open his door and walk over to his bed.

"Laurance? Laurance wake up!" 

'Damn he's a heavy sleeper' You think to yourself


You lightly push him a little, but he still doesn't wake up

'I thought he was supposed to be a guard. Aren't they supposed to sleep with one eye open or something' You thought to yourself

"Laurance!!" You give him another push and he turns over and falls out of the bed landing of top of you

"Princess?" He says confused as he looks into your eyes

"What are you doing in my room? Have you come to tell me that you've finally realized your love for me?"  He teases

"I'll tell you once you get off of me. You're a lot heavier than you look"  You say as you try to push him off of you

He gets off of you and sits on his bed, and motions for you to sit next to him. You walk over to him and sit beside him.

"So what's up" He ask sluggishly rubbing his eyes

"I just wanted to test you, see how good of a guard you were... and you failed my test. It took you falling off of your bed and landing on me for you to wake up" You say smirking at him

"Damn I didn't know there was a test, If I'd had known I would've studied. But is that seriously why you woke me up in the middle of the night?" He asks

"No. No it's not" You say looking awkwardly at your feet 

He grabs your hand and looks into your eyes with a serious expression

"Is it something to do with Zane?" He asks

"N-no. W-well maybe... I- I just had a nightmare and usually when I have a nightmare I go and find the nearest guard and talk to them for a while whilst I calm down" 

"So you just wanted to calm down?" He asks still holding your hand


He puts his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him.

"You know, whenever I have nightmares just being with someone helps me calm down, and luckily for you, you've got a handsome guards living with you, so I'm sure he'll let you stay with him until you calm down"

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