Chapter 25: Raining Fire Part 1

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***Alec's POV***

Normally he didn't sleep late into the day, but after the stress he was going through lately, it was understandable that he slept in until lunch. Alec could not describe what had woken him up. Sunlight streamed through the parted curtains, heating up the bed with a warm glow. Magnus's side was cold, but he still had someone snuggling with him. Chairman Meow was snoozing away on his chest. Alec awed internally over the kitten. He was curled up in a cute little ball, pink nose pressed against Alec's skin. Carefully he picked up the Chairman and set him down on Magnus's pillow. His husband never minded, and he had learned from experience this was the only place he could set the kitten without waking him up.

Sleepily, he got out of his sleepwear to change into and shirt and sweats. As it was the weekend —and one of his few days off— Alec was going to make the most  of it by wearing some comfy clothes. He brushed his teeth and then headed out into the living room with the rumbling in his stomach driving him forward.

His wings dropped behind him in solid form. The feathers on them were in no better condition then what Magnus called his 'bed head' look. The primaries especially would need some grooming at a later time when he was feeling more awake. The hardwood floor creaked under his footsteps as he moved. There was a time when he did not make a single sound as he moved across the wood. Nowadays he made his footsteps loud on purpose; Magnus did not like being surprised. Alec endeavored to stop startling his boyfriend (at the time) after their first month of dating, during which he had almost been blasted with magic a total of three times.

"Alexander, glad to see you've rejoined their waking world." Magnus's voice lilted through the room. The sound of sizzling could be heard from the kitchen.

Alec found his husband poised over the stove. The warlock looked to be frying some sort of fish, steam wafting into the air. Other pots sat at the other heated stoves, lids covering their contents. His stomach rumbled even more. Yawning, he wrapped his arms around his husband, burying his face into Magnus's back.

"What are you cooking?"

"Just a salmon recipe Catarina sent me years ago. Lunch should be ready in a few more minutes. Would you mind setting the table?" Magnus kept his attention on the stove while he talked, adjusting one of the heating knobs to turn down the intensity.

"Not at all."

They shared a kiss before Alec headed off to do his assigned task. Because Shadowhunters were often out in the night slaying demons, this made them rarely morning persons. And even though he had woken up late, Alec still felt as though he was moving mechanically through the motions of setting out plates and silverware and cups. Chairman Meow woke up somewhere along the line. The little kitten was peeking his head out from the top of the couch, watching his Daddy at work. Alec pictured one of his and Magnus's own children joining Chairman someday behind that couch.

Though I guess I should hope they would want to help and not just watch. Emma's question yesterday had seemed to come out of the blue for Magnus, but not for him. I really do need to bring it up to him at some point. It was true they both now had eternity to spend together. The same could not be said for Izzy, Jace, Simon, Mom, Dad, Max and Clary however. Alec hoped he and Magnus would have several children together throughout the ages. But I want at least one of them to grow up while they're all still here. It saddened him to think of a day when they wouldn't be.

Just the thought of loss seemed to make her appear. She was standing in their living room, shrouded in a white aura that clung to the fabric of her white dress. The white fabric touched down to the floor, her feet poking out like little catfish nipping at the air waiting for humans to drop down food. Red hair spilled past her shoulders in waves and green eyes stared at him with an emotion he could not understand.

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