Party (RichJake)

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You are not gay, you are not bisexual, you are straight.

The squip was trying to control my thoughts, but I wouldn't let it. The red solo cup in my hand was filled with alcohol. I chugged it down, filling up cup after cup. My throat craved the taste of the alcohol that burned my throat.

A satisfaction overwhelmed me knowing that for at least a while the squip would be switched off, no longer in control. It's why I craved alcohol. The squip didn't work with alcohol, meaning I would finally have control over my actions, even though they might end up slightly being affected by the alcohol that is in my system.

"Richy dearie" I hear a voice slur next to me, Jake coming into view, clearly drunk and no longer in control of his actions either. Hesitantly I place my drink down on the counter, knowing that I need to replace it with some water so that I could sober up to take care of Jake, even if it meant that the squip would end up controlling my mind once again. It would be something I will be risking to deal with to make sure Jake is okay.

I had realised that I was bisexual through this whole ordeal, developing a crush on Jake and his tall ass. We were best friends so it was only natural that I would eventually fall for him over spending so much time tomorrow, myself beginning to notice the cute quirks that he had such as his deep laugh, or the way his nose crinkled whenever he was worried.

"Why you such a short ass for Richie?" He asks, chuckling slightly. I roll my eyes, pouting slightly. 

"Don't make fun of my height Jake," I cross my arms, beginning to get annoyed. I hated when people called me short, I knew I was but I didn't need to be constantly reminded of that fact. Not all of us can be as tall as Jake, he would be the perfect height to be a professional basketball player.

"I think it's cute~" A blush forms on my cheeks, the red tint reaching up to the tips of my ears. I knew he didn't mean a word he said, it was just the way that the alcohol was affecting his system. He wouldn't like me like that, all he had ever done was date girls like Chloe and Madeline. I always tried to fake my interest in those stories, a sense of jealousy pooling in the depths of my stomach.

I knew I was bisexual, but I was pretty sure Jake was as straight as a guy could come.

"Jake, how much have you had to drink?" My voice comes out concerned, he usually always regrets drinking in the morning because of the massive headache that comes with his hangover once the alcohol has had time to leave his system.

He tries to count on his fingers but seems to be in a daze. His dazed expression and the way his eyebrows knit together, as he tries to figure it out, is very cute and makes my stomach churn, a sense of warmth overflowing in my stomach.

"Right that's enough for you," I walk over to him, taking the red solo cup out of his grip with some force. He clung to it like it was the most precious thing to him, something that he never wanted to let go of. For some reason, my brain decided then and there to have gay thoughts.

I wish he would cling to me like that as he owns me and I am in his possession. I wish I could be his and he would call me 'mine'. 

I had always had a secret kink for possession, not that I would ever let Jake know that.

Jake's eyes gaze down at me, my body positioned in front of him. He looks down at me, my neck stretching up to look at him. His body seems to move forward, my own body being frozen in place.

"Jake, what are you doing?" My voice wavers, a sense of nervousness washing over me and causing goosebumps to form along my skin, my hands standing on end. My body widgets, agitated, but my feet seemed locked in place. It doesn't want to move and I don't want it to either, I am interested in his actions. 

"Jake," my breathing comes out hoarse, my body becoming undone as I look into his darkened eyes. He continues to be silent, his face coming closer to mine until his warm breath can be felt only an inch away from my lips.

"Jake-" I repeat, him cutting me off by connecting our lips. His awkward crouch position relaxes more, him relaxing into the kiss ad pulling my waist closer to him.

I kiss back. I know I shouldn't because his actions have been affected by alcohol, but I can't help but sink into the kiss. My mind has been wondering what the taste of Jake's lips would be, how they would feel on mine and it like everything I dreamed, but somehow better.

I shouldn't be doing this.

I pull away. "Jake, you are drunk!" I throw my hands down in frustration, I'm annoyed at myself for kissing back. I feel like I took advantage of that.

"No, I'm not," he says, his voice suddenly turning smooth and serious. It is a drastic shift from his drunk sounding voice before.

"What?" I ask in disbelief, my eyes trying to search if his lying or that he doesn't actually look drunk. It's true his eyes aren't dilated like they usually are when his drunk.

"Why would you act like you were?"

He sighs, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. "I'm not perfect okay? I wanted to kiss you - hell I have for a long time - but I could never build up the courage to do so. I know, popular Jake doesn't have the guts to even kiss a guy, I'm an idi-"

"Mmm" His words get lost by my lips on his, I had pulled his shirt down to connect our lips once again. I smile into the kiss, before pulling away. "You talk too much."

He smiles and that party was something I felt like I would hate, but even my squip couldn't stop the way I felt for Jake. For once I felt like I had control of my actions, meaning that I made use of the control to continue kissing Jake. 

If that wasn't a good use of control I don't know what is...


Hey, so I've opened the requests again. I took a break as people weren't really requesting and I had been busy. If you want to request please do!


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