1 Year Later

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        Tucker stood on stage and started his speech. "A year ago today, five brave people were lost while fighting the Flood. They were Agents North and South Dakota, Agent Wyoming, Michael J. Caboose, and of course, Agent Ohio, the person who stayed behind to finish it. We have created a new government, which we keep a close eye on. Project Freelancerhas begun to search for Agent Ohio. His body was never found, meaning that there could be hope that he is alive. We have tried to re-create him like he old director did Tex, but this time, we based it off his whole life and not just his death. We haven't succeeded, but that doesn't mean that the real Ohio isn't out there. Maybe we'll find him one day. Have a good Ohio day!" They all exited the stage. Donut, who was wearing a pink, or as he called it, "lightish-red" suit and a pink fedora, went to his pink Nissan GT-R and started to open the door. A female voice said, "I still don't know how you found that thing." Donut looked up to see a woman with blonde hair, green eyes and was wearing a sexy black dress. Donut said, "Well, hello, Agent Texas. How are you today? He said, walking up to his girlfriend, kissing her. Texas said, "Good, but your Texas Longhorn would make me even better." She said pushing him into the backseat of her car, which was next to his. She crawled in and pushed her seat forward. She undid his pants, revealing his already erect cock. She asked, "Already hard for me? I'm flattered. That leaves less work for me. She gave him a blowjob for a few minutes, then rode him until they cummed at the same time, moaning in ectasy. They cleaned up and went into their separate cars. 

        As Donut was driving back to BloodGulch, which was a six hour drive, he started regretting not taking everyone's advice and using the flight transportation. It would've been a 40 minute trip instead of a six hour one. He saw the road closed sign that indicated that he was ten miles away from BloodGulch. Out of nowhere, a truck came hurtling at him. He knew he had to choices, speed up and maybe only get in the back end, or veer to the right onto the danergous bumpy road. He sped up, but the truck caught enough of the car to spin him off the road into a tree. Donut knew that this was no accident, but he couldn't move because his right leg was gushing blood and broken. He went for the gun, but was pulled out of the car and thrown onto that asphalt, hard. The figure was wearing an all black cloak and drew an energy sword. As Donut prepared to die, he felt himself being beamed onto a ship. He lost consciousness.

        When Donut came to, a figure was standing over him. The person was wearing admiral clothes and had facial hair,but he seemed to recognize them. "Oh, no. No, get away from me." They knocked Donut out. As they were preparing to kill him, the ship took a hit from a huge asteroid, knocking everyone to the ground and jolting Donut awake. The figure had left the room and gone to the bridge. Donut grabbed a pistol and made his way through the ship silently. An alarm started going off, "Forget about the prisoner, we are going down. Evacuate. Donut ran into a door and found the hangar to see them all leaving. He saw the figure and shot at him. The figure drew an energy sword and ran at Donut. The figure swung, but Dount shot the figure's hand, disarming him. He felt a bullet hit him in the shoulder. The figure grabbed his energy sword and ran onto the last ship, escaping. Donut looked at the only ship that was left that had jolted into a wall. It was damaged, but Donut figured that it would make do. He ran over and got in it. He heard the ship's automated voice say, "T-minus five minutes until impact." The ship didn't work. Donut got out and ran for the bridge. He got to the bridge and started pushing buttons on the consoles. He pressed a button and the automated voice said, "T-minus 3 minutes until impact. Attempting to straighten out ship to avoid damage." The ship started moving as it straightened. He got back to the hangar and saw one small ship that was still buckled in. He unbuckled it and climbed in turning it on. "T-minus 1.5 minutes until impact." Donut saw where the impact zone was. The ship was headed right for government headquarters in New York City. Donut ran back to the bridge and gained control of the ship. He pulled up, and kept pulling up until he couldn't go any further. The ship barely missed government headquarters, only hitting the top of the antenna at the back end of the ship, knocking it off and onto the ground below. He turned back and laughed in joy. He looked back in time to see a the tall building on the edge of the city. The ship collided with it head on in the center, knocking it in half. The ship continued going as the wrekcage from the building fell onto the ground below.  The ship crash landed into a field, coming to a stop after sliding for a minute or two. Donut knocked into the console hard enough to knock him out.

        When Donut came to, he was in a hospital bed with a doctor standing over him. The doctor said, "We'll let you explain what happened." He explained and the government official that was there said, "Well, you did good by maneuvering the ship out of the way instead of letting create more damage than it did. For that, we'll reward you like normal, plus you can choose an extra reward." Donut said, "Is it possible to get my hand on another Nissan GT-R. Make it lightish-red." The official said, "What will you take to admit that it's pink?" Donut replied, "I know the real color, but I won't say it until my last breath." The officail laughed and said, "It'llbe ready once you're well enough to get out of here. I'll let the doctor explain." The official left and the doctor said, "You broke your right leg, ribs 1 through 4, and suffered a minor concussion. Other than that, there's only the cuts and scrapes. The only permanent damage is you will have a scar on your right arm from a nasty cut. I'll let you rest now." The doctor left and Donut started to fall asleep. He was awaken by Tex shaking him awake. She said, "We have to get you out of here.There is a cannibalistic guy here who wants his foods back." Donut said, "The guy who took me. What about the others?" Tex replied, "Taking a beat down trying to protect your broken ass." The figure busted through the door and grabbed Tex by the throat. He threw her into the wall and walked over to Donut. "No one takes my food." As the figure raised his energy sword to cut Donut, the sound of glass breaking was heard and the figure stumbled to the wall, clutching his side. He had been shot. A figure jumped through the window. It was Agent Ohio, but no one knew that. The figure asked, "Who are you?" Ohio replied, "That's no one's business, but you can call me James. Who are you?" The figure responded, "I'm a bounty hunter. I've come to claim the bounty on Donut." Ohio asked, "Who placed the bounty?" The figure said, "I don't know. They work through agents. They never do their own dirty work." Ohio asked, "Why say 'they'? Are there more than one?" The figure responded, "No. No one has any idea whether it is a male or a female." Ohio said, "Whatever. I'll find out." He commed, "Beam this asshole up into the a cell. Give him some damn veggies. I don't condone cannibalism." They were both beamed up.

        Donut was let out a month later, but they were all debating who their savior was. Donut said, "It could have been Ohio. It was the same armor, but a different color." They agreed that it could be Ohio and that they would eentually find hm again. But as it turns out, Ohio was already on the other side of the galaxy.

        Ohio walked into the room that had the figure. The figure asked, "What have you done to me?" Ohio replied, "Well, you picked a fight with me, so I threw a plasma grenade into your cell. You wnt almost blind and lost an arm. So, I made you a cyborg. I can control what you do and don't remember. You are to serve under me for the rest of your life. You will never again eat meat from a human body. The only dead bodies you will see are the ones you kill in combat. You did the crimes, now you are going to do the time. You shouldn't look at serving under me for the rest of your life as a punishment. You should see it as honor to serve under someone as powerful as me. The whole not eating meat from a human body is the punishment." The figure said, "Why should I see serving under you the rest of my life as an honor? How are you so pwerful? Who are you?" Ohio answered, "I'm Admiral Ohio. Formely known as Freelancer Agent Ohio, and briefly Director Ohio of Project Freelancer. I saved an entire world." Thef igure stared in awe. "It really is an honor. I bet I'll get paid a lot of money to bring you or your head to the bounty hunter." Ohio said, "You don't have to worry about doing that. I'm going to him or her myself. Your armor is fuse to your body, and your new name is Sev." Sev said, "Admiral, it really will be honor to serve under you." Ohio said, "Oh, you will serve under me. If I see one hint of betrayal from you, I'll just erase it from you memories, or database, depending on how you look at it." Sev asked, "Are you seriously going to go after the person that placed the bounty?" Ohio said, "Let the hunt begin."

I bet you didn't expect the first written out sex scene to be between Donut and Tex, did you? Ohio is hunting the hunter. This arc is the Hunt arc of course. Ohio, Sev, and Caboose will be hunting the hunter. Yet, at the same time, Tucker will send people out to hunt for Ohio to bring him back. Here's a sneak peek at the next chapter.

        Tucker looked at the group of five people he was sending off to hunt down the person that saved Donut. It consisted of: Two good bounty hunters, Arby, Agent Washington, and Doc. He said, "Good luck. Wash and Doc, try not to get killed. They nodded and boarded the ship they were borrowing. Tucker walked back inside as they took off to find Ohio.

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