The start of a New Age.

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        Everyone was on Arby's ship and Ohio was explaining the plan. "So, Arby will beam us in front of the door where we will enter. We will rush in and grab armor and load it into your own box. Each one of you will have two Elites with you so they can carry your box. Everyone will run out and be beamed back up. Simple, so you guys ready for this?" They cheered and Ohio said, "Beam us down."

        They get beamed down in front of the door where Ohio plants a C4 and blows it open. They rush in, killing anyone in their way that has a gun. They get to the armory door, where Simmons starts hacking while the othes keep watch. He gets it opened and they all rush in to grab their armor. They grab the most advanced armor they can and put it into boxes. The elites start carrying it while the others shoot at enemies. An explosion happenes out of nowhere, knocking everyone down. Ohio gets up to see an old friend of his, Agent Bismarck. Bismarck picks up Tucker's sword and throws it to an elite ally, who activates it. Another elite drags CT out, and gets ready to cut off her head. The elite goes to swing, but drops dead after a bullet passes through it's head. Caboose is standing with his gun pointed at Bismarck, ready to fire. Agent Bismarck, "Come with me if you want to live." Bismarck leads them outside and Ohio says, "Beam us all up. Bismarck, too." They all get beamed up and sigh. "That was close." As soon as Wash said that, the ship gets hit and starts losing altitude. They all brace for impact as the ship heads right at the White House. Ohio says, "Maybe the chairman is there and will get killed in the crash." The ships crashes into the White House. The armor boxes get thrown around everywhere, as well as the crew. Ohio quickly puts an impossible to crack password on all of the boxes, including the one he put his armor in. Everyone gets up and looks at the wreckage around them. They pick up their weapons and Ohio says, "Put them on your back. We're going to reveal ourselves to the general public." They walk outside as everyone gathers around. Big buff men try to take down the freelancers, but they easily fight them off. One person said, "Die you terrorists." The chairman comes out and says ,"Got you. Take them hostage." Ohio says, "Wait. You won't kill us. I know you won't. Beacause no matter how hard you train your men, no matter how many men you have, they will never be enough to protect this country. The Freelancers are the only people on this planet best qualified to defened the country. Maybe even the world. And no matter how much you deny it, you know that it's true. So go ahead, lock us up for all our lives. You know where to find us when the country and planet need defending." Ohio starts walking away, the rest following suit. The chairman's men go to go after them, but are stopped by him. "Let them go. We have more important things to worry about right now, especially cleaning this mess up.: He  went to make a speech. "I am the Chairman. I have been running the country for two years now. I've been doing it through the president. I lead the Insurrectionists, the faction that the freelancers were at war with. The faction that will rule the world. We already rule part of it. I even pulled the strings in destroying New York. The freelancers had nothing to do with it. But I have a plan to get rid of the freelancers. The rest of them are dead. They were killed in the crash, as they were in the White House. Every citizen will be given a gun for free. If you see any of the freelancers, reds and blues, or the Covenant invovled, shoot them. Shoot to kill. That is all." As the chairman walks away, a mangled president walks out and trys to object, but is killed. When the day was done, the chairman added an event onto the calendar. It was called, "The Age of the Insurrectionists." The chairman said, "That is just the start."

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