The Age of the Insurrectionists

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        The Chairman has finally taken over the USA. He enforced harsh rules that nobody liked. The Freelancers have disappeared completely. Everyone has started rioting. Newspaper articles read "New Government?" and "Project Freelancer Needed?"  No one knows that the freelancers are living normal lives. The three rules that are most harsh are:

1: All children 5-18 must attend public school. Any child the does not attend a public school will be taken away from their parents and put into foster care until they graduate.

2: Any person that makes less than $15,000 a year is condsidered poor and will be deported out of the country. The United States of America is a country for the rich.

3. Anyone that could possibly be connected with the freelancers must be shit and killed on sight.

        Insurrectionists were recruited and placed all over the U.S. to find and kill the freelancers. Any rebellion was put to rest right away. The Chairman forced men into his work force to build a palace for him and his people. No one dared try to help the U.S. The United States of America had become  dictatorship. The chairman broke the U.S. away from the "UN" and "UNSC." No one was brave enough to stand against him. He killed people by the thousands. He forced a 14 year old girl to marry him.  The last newspaper article about it read, "There is no Hope for the United States."


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