chapter 7

7 1 0

(present day)

You have been cordially invited
to the holy matrimony of
Caleb Santiago and Sarah Goodwin
on the fourth day of this June
at seven in the evening
at the Santiago Estate grounds in New York

I stared at the beautiful white card in my hands in shock. My little angel is getting married? How could she have not told me she was even engaged? The little twerp. I flipped the card over.

Be there or be square bitch.

I rolled my eyes. Of course she added the little personal detail.

The name Santiago was not unfamiliar, in fact, I was quite familiar with the Santiagos, or at least their eldest son Theo. I didn't know much about Caleb, just that he made my Sarah very happy. I'd met him when I flew down to Texas two summers ago to visit Sarah and my family. It unsettled me though. I was not on good terms with the older Santiago, and he most definitely would be there.

I immediately called Sarah. She picked up at the fourth ring, breathless.

"Margot! How are you?" I ignored her question.

"Should I even ask why you're out of breath?" She started to speak before I thought better, "Wait don't answer that. Answer this instead. Why the hell am I just now finding out that you're engaged?" I whispered the last word like it was poison.

"Are you mad?" She whispered back. I told her no. "Caleb proposed when we were in Africa building schools with his mom. Just got back last week, things have been so hectic I haven't gotten around to tell anyone, but I have a question to ask you." Her words became more jumbled the longer she spoke, like whatever she had to ask was a dangerous topic.




There was a long pause.

"Will you be my maid of honor? Aves and I always promised that we would... but she's... I would be honored if you said yes. I know she would be too." Her voice was delicate and fragile and on the verge of shattering like glass. I was beyond shocked. I assumed Sarah had asked Angie, her best friend since college.

"What about Angie?" I dared to whisper.

"If you say no, I'll ask her."


"Of course Margot. You're like a sister to me."

"I knew you were my favorite." I teased, "I would love to Sarah."

"Oh that's wonderful! One thing though... Theo-"

"-Is going to be there? You don't need to worry about that, I've already come to terms with having to see him there."

"No. Well yes, but that's not what I was going to say....He's... Theo's the best man..."




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