Ah fUck, I can't believe you've done this (Chapter 6)

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"He just called me the F word! And honestly hurt more than it did in high school... Is is because I'm so attracted to him?" Adam said between tears. On the other end, Paulina sighed, "Yeah, you must really have the hots for this guy if you're seriously after his approval all the time, it's starting to become a problem" Adam sniffled as he thought back to every interaction he's had with Ryland. Has he really been trying to get his approval? No, he thought, maybe his attention but never his approval, right?  "I never thought that I was trying for his approval? Have I really? Because it doesn't feel that way..." "Because you are Adam! You need to live for yourself! Go back to what you were doing before you met him! Go get into a fraternity! Leave Ryland in the freaking dust! You don't need him and he doesn't damn well deserve you! All the clubs and fraternities are having a sign up next week, I'll even go with you!" Paulina yelled from the other line. Adam stopped, she was right She's damn right. I don't need Ryland. Him and his attractive homophobic ass! "All right Pau, we'll go." Adam said, rubbing the tears from his face, "How about I even bring my friend Gian along? This could be your date, a little casual walk?" 

Paulina giggled, "Well, we'll both be there to help distract you." Adam gave a sigh of relief, he's finally going to get away from Ryland, forever.

Ryland ran shoulder first into the door, as it busted open he stopped. Ryland stood paralyzed in shock as he took in the scene that was in front of him. His girlfriend, topless. Boobs exposed, the whole works without pants. On top of the fucking lanky punk-ass bitch that was on his girfriend's couch, last week. Marianna's face immediately softens, "Ryland? What the fuck are you doing here-" Ryland cut her off with his anger, flooding the entire room like smoke, "I can ask you the same damn thing, why YOU are on top of another man, when I have NEVER even gotten this far with you?" Marianna adverts her eyes away from Ryland, sure she'd never do this with Ryland but, does he really have the right to be mad, especially when... "You busted my goddamn door down! What the fuck was that all about?" She shoots her eyes back like daggers, she gets up and wraps a blanket around herself as she closes the space between her and Ryland.

"Oh don't give me that shit since you've been sleeping behind my back! Besides the door isn't even off its stupid fucking hinges! You can fucking close it right now!" Marianna growls back up at Ryland, shame in her eyes but still continuing with her fight, "You had NO right to barge in like that! I should call the fucking police on you! Fucking animal!" Ryland shot up his hands, "YOU had NO right to cheat! You should've just fucking said something! I'm tired of this, I'm tired of you. Fuck this, fuck you, I hope your little boy toy still has the balls to fuck you after this!" Marianna flips Ryland off.

"We are through you nasty, cheating bitch. Go catch aids" Ryland said as he flipped Marianna off "Hope the door doesn't hit you on your way out, bastard!" Marianna yells after him. Ryland doesn't even turn around as he slams the door behind him.

Ryland's body shakes as he makes his shameful walk back to his dorm. He balls his fist in anger as he pushes his tears back. He thinks back to all the times Marianna has pushed him aside or said she was too busy for him. How could I have not seen this coming? It was so obvious, the signs were right in front of me! Ugh, stupid. He drags his feet back up the stairs and into his dorm. He glanced at Adam who was writing something down, he didn't even bother to look up at Ryland. Whatever, Ryland thought, He doesn't fucking matter to me. He threw his shirt off and groggily laid down on his bed, falling into a sadness-induced coma, promising himself that he'll drink later.

Adam glared at Ryland as he rolled over in bed and then continued to his task in front of him, he'd spent the last twenty minutes researching all the clubs this college had to offer, circling and starring ones he'd been interested in. After finishing up his final list of clubs and fraternities he'd visit, he put the notebook on his nightstand and turned off the light.

The next week had gone by almost too peacefully, all week Adam and Ryland would go to their classes, Adam would go to baseball and practice and workout. Ryland would go to the gym on campus and come home and drink himself to sleep, his heart still freshly broken. Though neither would like to admit it, but they missed the other's company just a tiny bit even the arguments were missed, and the tension covering the room after. Eventually Saturday came and Adam's phone rang, he picked up with a, "Alright, I'll meet you by the cafe. Bye." And exited the room, leaving Ryland slightly intrigued by where the hell Adam was going on a Saturday. He would ask, but he told himself it was none of his buisness.

Adam walked over to Gian's dorm and knocked, the tall blonde opened and stepped in the hall. He locked his dorm and turned to Adam, "Ok, I admit, I am a little nervous. What if your friend does not like me? Do I look presentable?" Adam touched his friend's arm, "Gian, it's going to be alright. I'll be there at a distance to ensure that nothing will go wrong!" Gian sighed and nodded his head, "Alright, I trust you, but let us hurry, before we keep her waiting!" Adam nodded, pushing his sunglasses up on his face before the two of them started jogging across campus.

Ryland laid back down with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. As he took a huge sip, he looked over to Adam's side, maybe I have been a little to harsh on him. Maybe I'm just hurting... He looked over at the bottle in his hand. Downing the whole thing in one gulp he thought, Nah, I'm doing just fine.

Adam and Gian slowed their pace as they neared the cafe. Adam searched the whole area until he found Paulina, "Hey Pau! Over here!" Paulina looked up and smiled, she got up and walked over. 

"Paulina-Gian Gian-Paulina" Adam said as he introduced his two friends. Gian's face lit up as he took in the beautiful sight that was Paulina. "It's nice to meet you, would you like to join me for a walk around the square?" Gian said nervously as he held out his hand. Paulina giggle, "Of course, thank you for asking!" And with that, the two unintentionally left Adam alone. Struggling to focus on looking around, Adam desperately tried to remember why he was doing this. Ryland. Ryland. Get away. Get away from Ryland. Adam shook his head in attempt to clear it. He took out the list from his pocket and looked the first name on it. Sigma Kappa Chi where is that-

"Hello! Would you be interested in trying out for Sigma Kappa Chi?" Said a soothing tenor voice. Adam whipped his head around to see decently dressed teenager with a bunch of flyers in his arms. "Found them," Adam whispered under his breath, "Actually yes. Funny story, I was looking for ya'll." The boy smiled, his dark brown eyes smiling just as much, "Well let me introduce myself, I am Chao Zhang, the representative of SKC. The president and VP had other duties to attend to, so I am here to answer any questions you have about our fraternity!" Adam held out his hand, "I'm Adam Lavanda, just trying to see what I'm getting myself into." Chao shifted the papers onto one arm and shook Adam's hand, "Pleasure to meet you."

Ryland groaned as he sat up, he'd spent the whole afternoon drinking and he was feeling a little buzzed, he stood up and walked over to Adam's bed, he grabbed his pillow and flopped on his bed. Red cheeked and embarrassed he thought, I'm straight I swear, I'm just a little lonely. He drifted off into an afternoon nap, Just lonely.


lmao hi, im so tired i pulled this chapter outta my ass. also meet chao~ who knows what shit he has up his sleeves ;)

so yeah, im living and thriving. maybe i should start a highschool au for these guys bc it feels easier. idk, just tired. idk when the next chapter will be out so enjoy this until then :)

Word count: 1421

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