And I Oop- (Chapter 5)

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Adam couldn't control his breathing or thoughts. His mind raced in every direction as he panicked. How was he going to get out of here, what was he going to do? Ryland leaned into his ear, but as he was about to speak Adam freaked out. Not in control of his actions and against everything his brain was screaming at him to not do, he turned his head to where his lips met Ryland's. Everything froze as Adam closed his eyes in fear and Ryland stood in shock. Ryland pulled away and stood paralyzed. Nothing came out of his mouth as his face began to turn a light shade of red. He choked on his own words as he managed to raise his hand and flipped Adam off. He turned and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Adam slid against the wall onto the floor, his heart pounding as he finally took in what he'd done. OH MY GOD, what did I do? Why did I do that??  What the fUck?  I'm pretty sure he's going to kill me!  Adam managed to get himself off the floor and made his way over to his side of the dorm. He quickly changed and slipped in bed hoping Ryland wouldn't come out and end him.

Ryland looked in the mirror and scrunched his face "No no no no no no NO! What the hell? Why did he do that? I can't focus..." He turned on the faucet and splashed water on his face. His face burning with embarrassment and confusion, "Why am I so confused? This isn't even a thing I should be thinking twice about! I have a girlfriend and he's just a little annoying bitch. Ugh... Stupid!" He slammed his hands on the counter as he stood up straight and grabbed the electric beard trimmer. 

Thinking back to what his dad had said earlier, he thought it was time to clear his face from his hair, as well as a distraction from Adam. He leaned in the mirror with the razor in his hand as he gently and gracefully shaved off his mustache and beard. He cleaned the sink, because he's not that much of an ass-hole, and opened the door to leave. To his surprise Adam was half-way done with taking his shirt off, revealing his slim, small figure to the tall man in the bathroom. Ryland's heart picked up beat as he quietly shut the door to not get Adam's attention. His face burning red. "Shit. Fuck no. I can't deal with this right now." He pulled out his phone and quickly texted Marianna, Hey, are you awake and free right now? please tell me your schedule is free

He hits send and waits impatiently for a response. After a while, Ryland gets tired of waiting for his girlfriend to respond and gets up and leaves the bathroom. He walks to bed and reaches under for his pink duffel bag. He aggressively unzips the bag and grabs the first full bottle he saw.

Adam peeks out from under his blanket and sees Ryland chug a huge bottle of alcohol in under 10 seconds. Ryland throws the bottle to the corner next to his desk and lands in a big THUD. Ryland throws his shirt off and tosses it at the dresser opposite of his bed. Adam froze in amazement as he took a good long look at Ryland's tone muscles. Abs and all. The view was beautiful and Adam could not advert his gaze. Ryland glanced over to Adam and he quickly closed his eyes so Ryland didn't see him starting at his shirtless body. 

Ryland, after taking off his shirt, stole a glance at Adam. He was sleeping peacefully as if tonight never happened.  Shaking his head he turned off the light in the dorm and crawled under the blankets on his bed. Though he couldn't sleep, he laid on his back, questioning everything that had happened tonight.

Adam woke to his alarm, he quickly turned it off not wanting to disturb his pissed-off roommate. He changed into a navy blue sweatshirt and black pants as he grabbed his backpack and headed off for his 8 am class. Adam walked in the lecture hall and plopped in the first empty seat he saw. As he waited for his professor to begin he pulled out a notebook and began to write a short story. An allusion to his own situation, if you will, just to figure out how he got himself into this mess. Paulina walked in and noticed Adam, she sat next to him and noticed his troubled expression, "Adam what's wrong? You seem worried." Adam dramatically stretched his arms over the table, "Girl, you would not believe what the actual hell I did last night!"

Ryland groaned as he rolled over, glancing at his clock on the nightstand. 10:32. Thank God I don't have early morning classes. He glanced over to Adam's. He seems like an idiot stupid enough to take the early classes. Ryland sat up, holding his head as last night's drinking finally caught up to him. He slowly made his way to the bathroom and swallowed some Ibuprofen. He threw on a grey shirt and blue sweatpants and slipped on a pair of slides. He flipped open his phone to see no response whatsoever from Marianna. He shoved his phone back in his pocket, "I don't fucking care anymore, it's not like she'll make room for me anyways." He picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder as he exited the dorm.

The week went by fast as Adam and Ryland went classes and tried to avoid the other. Adam kept talking up Paulina to Gian making him more interested in a blind date than he was before. And every once in a while, Adam would spot Airi staring at him from across the classroom or campus.

At last Friday arrived and Adam walked in the dorm and flopped on his bed, just as he kicked off his shoes and tossed his backpack Ryland walked in. Adam immediately sat up and straightened himself. Oh my god, he shaved his beard!  Adam thought to himself. He ogled over how beautiful Ryland's shaven face looked. He snapped back into reality when Ryland stopped in the middle of the room and turned to face Adam. He scrunched his face as if he was having trouble with what he wanted to say. "Is something wrong...?" Adam spoke up. Ryland groaned as he made up his mind to speak, "God, I never thought I'd say this. Ugh, this is hard." Adam leaned back, mentally preparing himself more verbal backlash. "I. Am sorry. I was kinda a dick last week. I've just been over the edge with stress," Ryland said, his voiced lowered with shame. Adam's eyes popped out of his head, did he really just apologize? Ryland? The gigantic ass-hole???  "UHM, It's ok...? I know what it's it like to feel drowned in stress too... If you ever want to talk about it-" "No, no there will be no talking about it, I just wanted to make peace. I fucking hate the tension in this goddamn dorm. This doesn't make us friends, fag." Adam felt a painful stab in his heart, the f word has never hurt him this bad back in grade school. He felt the tears rising in the back of his eyes but he bit the inside of his lip to push them further back, "Well, at least we're even now, right?" Ryland gave a small smirk, "Yeah I guess you could say that." And with that he dropped his bag off and walked out of the dorm.

Adam rolled over and mushed his face in his pillow, silently letting his tears flow out. He rolled over and pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Paulina! You have to hear this!" He said between tears.

Ryland walked across campus to his girlfriend's dorm, "I am sick of this shit, she hasn't texted me all week and yet I see her all over campus relaxing like she's single! What the fuck is she doing?" He marched his way the stairs and down the hallway in front of her dorm. He banged on the door as hard as he could. Inside he heard 2 startled voices. "What the fuck?" Marianna screamed. "It's probably the neighbors coming back to complain," said another voice. Hearing another voice inside his girlfriend's apartment pissed Ryland off. He stepped back and gave himself a running start, going shoulder first into the door, opening it.


Hey it's me. Yeah, i'm struggling with the slow burn and i already know i'm not that good with romance stuff but yeah. i'm trying. anyways i had to borrow alot of confidence for this one. i dont know when i'll post the next one but hopefully soon. see ya on the flipside! 

p.s sorry i couldnt post a picture wattpad is being weird :P

Word Count: 1438

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