Lmao Chill (Chapter 2)

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Adam and his roommate stared at each other in silence for about 7 minutes. Adam's palms started sweating profusely. His face was heating up like an oven. His roommate's face soured after every passing minute. 

Adam cleared his throat and held put his hand, "Hi, my name Adam.... Looks like we're gonna be roomies..." His roommate smacked his hand down, "Name's Ryland, but don't expect to use it very often." Adam chuckled, "Oh, do you have a nickname or somethi-"

Ryland towered over Adam, his voice low and husky, "No, we will NOT be friends. You will leave me be for the rest of your life. Am I clear?" Shooketh, Adam nodded his head and grabbed his backpack and left the room. Adam trotted down the stairs and exited the dorm building. He took a seat at a nearby bench, wandering into his thoughts: "How am I going to live with Ryland until I get accepted into a fraternity? Will I even be accepted into one? How will Ryland react if I switch dorms? Ryland is such a cute name. How will I get over Ryland?"

While he was spacing out, Adam didn't notice the girl that sat next to him and said, "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but I think you're cute!" Adam zoned back in to see a pale, petite girl with shoulder length black hair sitting next to him. She was wearing purple cat headphones, an over-sized pink cat sweater and was holding a large sketchbook in her lap. Adam adjusted his sunglasses and gave the girl a funny look, "I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said..." the girl giggled and covered her face with her hands, "Oh, this is so embarrassing!" she clutched her sketchbook to her chest, "My name is Takahashi Airi, but you can call me Airi!" Adam shifted nervously, "My name is Adam, and I should be leaving now, I have to go meet up with a friend.." Airi punched him in the arm, "Oh Adam-senpai, you are so funny! I'll see you around!" She stood up, winked at Adam, and left. 

Adam's gut screamed at him for interacting with Airi. Shaking his head, he stood up and bumped into someone. "Oh no, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to!" said the soft voice. Adam looked down to see a girl trying to pick up all her books and papers. Adam bent down and helped the girl, "No, I'm sorry. I didn't look where I was going." The girl put her books in her shoulder bag, and helped Adam up. Upon standing, the girl was several inches taller than Adam and had caramel hair in 2 buns. She put out her hand awkwardly and spoke softly, "Hi, I'm Paulina. English major." Adam smiled and took her hand, "Adam. Also a fellow English major." Paulina's face grew into a grin and she pulled put a book, Pride and Prejudice. "Have you read it yet? It's apparently our first project for class." she said with a polish tinted accent. Adam shook his head, "Of course I've read it, growing up Jane Austen was my favorite author to read." Paulina laughed, "Mine too! If you're not too busy would you like to go get a coffee with me?" Adam held a thumbs up, "Only If we can debate about the best Jane Austen book." As the pair walked off, Airi turned the corner with clenched fists.

Back in the dorm room, Ryland pulled put his flip-phone to the contact 'Mari Baby<3'

Hey babe, are you free? He stared at his phone until he saw the reply:

Kinda, what do you want? He frowned.

Well I want to see my girlfriend before classes start, is that too much to ask for?

Right now, yes. But I'm free tomorrow if you want to hang out in my dorm~ Ryland exhaled, he knew this is it or nothing.

Fine, what time?

Say 6? 

Sure, love you.

Uhuh, you too.

Ryland snapped his phone shut and threw it on his bed as he grabbed a towel and slammed the bathroom door shut. After a long shower cold shower to blow off steam, Ryland sat on his bed and looked over to Adam's side. The neatly made bed, drawers closed with, probably neatly folded, clothes. And suitcases placed neatly under the small twin bed, and the empty but clean desk. "Fucking prick." Ryland thought.  He laid down and stared at the mess of trash and clothes on the floor on his side of the room, he glanced at his messy desk where all his uncompleted summer homework lay idly. "I'll do it tomorrow," he said to himself as he rolled over and pulled his blanket over himself. As he closed his eyes, all he could see was Adam's blushing face. His eyes snapped open as his heart started beating in his chest. Ryland yelled in misery and rolled back over falling asleep into a coma like sleep. Despite it only being 3 in the afternoon.

Adam and Paulina finished 5 cups of coffee total, Paulina only having one, before packing up to leave. Adam looked over his shoulder to see a bronze tanned, tall, skinny teen with a cheeky, short, unfashionable girl. The girl looked over and made eye contact, she sneered at him and flipped her hair. Annoyance rising up in Adam, he turned and held the door open for Paulina. Who in return, blushed. After goodbyes and promises of more coffee and Jane Austen, Adam left. "Drinking all that coffee was a mistake.." Adam groaned. He stopped at a nearby bus-stop, trying to make more excuses to avoid his dorm room. And roommate.

The bus took Adam into town and he got off near a plaza and started wandering around. He walked past all sorts of shops and stores, he passed small cafes, bakeries, and family owned restaurants. He continued down a sidewalk and stopped at a local bar. He walked in and took an empty seat. Glancing around, he could see it wasn't very busy on this Tuesday night. He pulled out his wallet and dug out his secret, secret fake ID. He held his breath as he handed it to the bartender asking, "What's your recommendation?" The bartender took the ID and stared at it for a couple of minutes, he looked back up at Adam and said, "Bell's is probably the most popular around this town." "Well I'll have a pint if you don't mind," Adam asked confidently. The bartender chuckled, "Long day, huh?" Adam sighed, "Long doesn't even begin to describe it."

A few pints and threats from Larry, the bartender, later, Adam made his way out onto the street. Slightly stumbling, he walked up the street to the bus-stop he got off hours earlier. Hiccuping and giggling all the way home.

Adam bust through the door giggling, "OH RyLaNd, I have returned!" Ryland sat up, stared at Adam and rolled back over. "Oh my frag-lie ego, is HURT!" Adam retorted. He giggled some more and entered the bathroom. He closed the door softly and proceeded to fall in the bathtub and fall asleep. Ryland groaned and tried to go back to sleep.

After some more tossing and turning, he got up, wrote a note and left it on the bathroom counter along with some pills and a glass of water.


hey yall sorry for the late update but her it is please dont kill me. ill post some more artwork here and there. also school is about to start up soon and my phone is dying on me so i cant really use my phone to type. but ill try to update as soon as possible

thank you for undertsanding bye!! ;D

Word count: 1224

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