Chapter One

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The door burst open as Fingolfin stormed in followed by Turgon and Fingon. Feanor already had his sword out and glaring daggers at him. "What are you doing here?!" Feanor growled his eyes dark as he pointed his sword at where Fingolfin stood.

"Because I will not let my people die in your war!" Fingolfin said drawing his own sword. "Besides I had no other choice to come here."

Feanor just glared darkly at him and seemed ready to attack but Maedhros put a hand to his father's shoulder and Maglor took a step to stand beside him. "Atar. Please wait a moment." Maglor said.

"A moment? A moment for him!" He snapped, pulling his arm from Maedhros's hand. He then turned and glared at Fingolfin. Who was trying to be calmed down by Fingon who was standing in front of his father.

"He is right," Said Finrod coming over. "We all should take a moment. Both of our hosts are outside and look ready to fight."

"Atar. We don't want to lead them to a big fight with our own people." Maedhros said.

"Please," Fingon said, looking from both his uncle then to his father. Feanor growled and slid his sword away. Fingolfin did the same and Maedhros let out a breath. Maglor did the same along with Finrod and Fingon.

"Curufin! Celegorm! Take them to the dungeons for trespassing," Feanor ordered. Yet, Maedhros looked at them and shook his head but Maglor had to grab Curufin's arm.

"Atar. They deserve a chance to be listened to. The least we could do after w- you burnt those ships," Maedhros said.

"Fine," Feanor snapped turning and walking to his throne his cape flapped a bit dramatically as he moved. He sat down in the throne and watched as Maedhros and Maglor led Fingolfin and the small group that was with him over. Finrod was with him along with Turgon, Fingon, as well as Ardhel.

"Talk..." Feanor grumbled a bit.

"I came because I could not leave my people with you!" Fingolfin replied angrily.

"Our people! This is just an attempt to get my crown," Feanor argued standing up. Fingolfin glared at him and Feanor glared right back.

Maedhros let out a little sigh as a huge fight broke between the two half-brothers. The red-haired elf looked at Fingon who just gave a tired sigh.

"This is going to take awhile," He said to Maedhros as he walked over to him and Maglor.

"Indeed," Maedhros sighed as he watched his uncle and father go back and forth fighting and beginning to use child-like insults to each other. He just sighed again and looked back to his brothers and now cousins. As the fight was going on they were just silent and watching shaking his head.

"Kano. Finno. Keep your eyes on everything here," Maedhros said. "You too Finrod."

Maglor nodded as Maedhros started to head out of the room. Fingon frowned as he realized there was something going on more than just the fighting match. "Maglor? What happened?" Fingon asked.

"What do you mean?" Maglor asked.

"Well...There something seems like something else is going on. Since everyone one is here except for Amrod and Amras." Said Finrod who also saw something more going on.

Maglor turned his head away and just shook his head. Maglor and Fingon exchanged a frown and then looked back at Maglor. "Kano? What happened?" Fingon asked.

"At the burning of the boats...Amrod...he...he didn't survive it." Maglor said softly. "Amras isn't that well. Another reason why Atar is even more tense than normal."

"I am so sorry," Fingon said softly. Maglor just shook his head and looked to the fight that was starting to fizzle down. He ignored the hand to his shoulder.


Maedhros knocked on the door and said, "Amras?"

He opened the door and walked inside and looked at Amras who was curled up on his bed looking at the blankets blankly.

"Come on," Maedhros said, moving to sit down next to him. "Amras?"

Amras shook his head and closed his eyes. Maedhros sighed and put an arm around his little brother. He rubbed his arm a little but Amras shook his head. Maedhros just took his hand and shook his head. "Okay. I am going to let you rest. Later I am going to bring up some food...please, at least eat a little."

"Not hungry," He whispered.

"Alright. Yet, please...just eat a little bit." Maedhros said.

Amras shook his head a bit more and curled up. Maedhros could only give him another hug and leave him. When he stepped out he saw Fingon and his friend gave him a hug once the door was closed.

"I am so sorry," He said. "How is he?"

"Not good," Maedhros said as he hugged back. When Maedhros let go he shook his head and then asked, "We'll figure it out. Yet, how are things going downstairs?"

However, Fingon couldn't answer since before he even opened his mouth there was a very loud crash and both of them sighed heavily and went to check it out.

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