
27 12 5

Darkness lingers,
In the depths of your mind.

Light will search the way out,
Through your empty heart.

So don't worry,
If you think you are worthless,
You are worthier than many,
Your soul knows that no less.

Smile that you keep,
On the edge of your sad face.

Tears will beat it,
Once it starts to fall.

But you know what,
Your eyes shine like diamonds when you cry,
Cause they show it's not wrong to break down sometimes,
Rather than keeping it up with all that fake smile.

Death doesn't call you,
You think to invite it for dinner.

And suicide is not your cup of tea,
Cause it needs guts for sure.

So be sure,
Your death is not so soon,
When your time is up you will called in forever,
So keep the shit going on,
As you are,
Cause ultimately there's no way out.

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