Chapter 14 : Trouble

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"I want to give a task for each member."

"Task? For what?" soal June dengan hairan.

"Just do it as I told you to do. Got it?"

Mereka mengangguk tanda mengiakan arahan gadis itu. Mereka tidak mampu untuk membantah.

"This just for three of you. Hans and Jax doesn't have to do the task."

"Why like that? This is not fair." protes Justin.

"Want me to talk or shoot you right now?"

Justin tersengih sumbing mendengarkan ugutan Ruby yang dapat membuat dirinya berasa takut.

"Just continue and ignore me."

"Good. Just shut your fricking mouth and listen to what I want to say to all of you." 

"Okay Ruby, start it." kata Jax.

"June and Justin, I will send you to a self academy. Aku nak kemahiran korang ditambah baik lagi. Korang dah cukup profesional tapi aku nak korang jadi lebih daripada tu."

"How's Dash?"

"For Dash, I have a special task for you."

"Wow, sounds great for you, Dash." kata Justin dengan perli.

"The heck, Justin." 

"Listen here. For you, you doesn't have to go to the academy. You just stay at one place and your task is you must make sure the boy ready to be part of our gang."

"Wait, what do you mean? Is my ears have a problem?" soal Justin dengan blur.

"You idiot, your ears doesn't have any problem but your brain is too slow like a snail."

"Hey witch, watch out your mouth." balas Justin kepada June.

"Who do you call witch, huh?"

"Of coarse you." 

"You fricking br..." marah June.



Bilik itu kembali sunyi setelah suara lantangku bergema di seluruh sudut bilik itu.

Tahu pun takut.

Mataku yang tajam tepat memandang mata-mata memberku yang lain. Semua cuba untuk mengelak dari bertentangan mata denganku.


Jejaka itu pantas memberi reaksi terhadap panggilanku.

"Train him like before. Take easy, don't make him try too hard."

"Okay, you can trust me. Don't worry."

"I'm not worry of anything."

"And you?" soal mereka bertiga serentak.

"I'll go somewhere else. Hans and Jax will come with me."


"Where you want to go?" soal June.

"We want to join you too." rayu Justin.

"Why just both of them can go with you?" soal Dash pula.

"Listen here. It's good for me to go to that place and let Jax and Hans looking for me. Do you want me to go there on my own?"

"No, not like that. But, why don't you let us go with you?"

Aku menghembuskan nafas berat dan cuba untuk menyusun kata-kata.

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