♤♡ Part 12 ◇♧ [Truth or Dare]

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Anonymous ask:
So, this is for everyone at the casino. Have you all ever played truth or dare and if so, what are some of the craziest things people have done or admitted? Since Cuphead's pranks are usually always so extreme do any of you use it as way to get back at him? (Since I'm pretty sure he wouldn't say no to a dare ever)

"No, we haven't, but now that you mention it..."

They all gathered around playing truth or dare.

"Truth or dare? What are you, children?" Wheezy said.

"Alright! Cuphead! Truth or dare?" Chips ask Cuphead.


"Oh boy." Mugman muttered.

"I dare you... to go outside, shirtless and sing at the top of your lungs." And that he did. Cuphead sang so loud, most of the staff's and bystander's ears were bleeding.



After that, Cuphead came back inside, shirt back on, and with a bruised eye.
"Somebody threw a shoe at me..."

"It was for a good cause!"

"Then here's another good cause! I dare you to spend the rest of the game in a flapper dress!" [Y/n] dared Chips. And then he showed up wearing it.

"Howdy, fellas! How'd I look?" He asked.

"Like you might bring this entire business down just with that."

"Take the damn boots off!" Wheezy said.

"Truth or dare!! Truth or dare!" Mangosteen said going up to Chips.

"Dare!! Come on, let's step it up!" Chips said, hands on his hips.

"I dare you to kiss Wheezy!!" It was silent for a second when Wheezy spoke up. "Ahahaha- No." But Chips started to run at him, Wheezy just ran away. "NO-NO-NOOOO!"

"You know half the game won't work, nobody here will say the truth." Pirouletta said.

"Well, at least the other half is still entertaining." King Dice smiled.

"A kiss from Wheezy won't help his smoking addiction." [Y/n] said.

"[Y/n], truth or dare." Mugman ask her.


"Dare you to kiss Cuphead." He said.

".....Haha...yeah... not gonna happen."

"You can't back out on a dare." King Dice teased.

"....why do you have to do this to me...." She muttered. And like that she walked over to Cuphead.

"Hey, Cuphead!" She yelled getting his attention.

"Huh-" Before he could say anything, he got cut off by a peck on the lips. Cuphead stood there speechless while watching you run off back to the table. [Y/n] layed her head on the table embarrassed. They carried on with the game.

"Hey, Mugs, truth or dare?" King Dice ask him.

"Umm... Dare?"

"Of course." Pirouletta muttered.

"I dare you to write a letter to Cala Maria finally confessing to-" King Dice got cut off by him.

"TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH!" He quickly changed his answer turning red.

"Alright, truth, what would you say in a letter like that?" [Y/n] ask him.

"What-? I-I don't know!! I don't really think about it that much..."

"Truth, do you really not think about it or are you lying?" King Dice said using his Demon eyes to look through him. Mugman sat there not knowing how to answer them, in the background, Cuphead and one of the tipsy troop held Wheezy down while Chips walked up to them doing the dare with Mangs beside him.
[Picture above]

"Ay, Cuphead, dare ya to drink this demon-only bourbon."

"Won't that kill him..."

When Cuphead drank it, he breath out fire from his mouth almost burning the whole place. Some looked concerned for him when he spoke up. "You know, it's actually not that bad..." Cuphead said surprising the staff members.

"Hey, Dice, Dice, Dice!" Cuphead walked up to him excitedly. When [Y/n] saw Cuphead, she slammed her head back on the table, too embarrassed to look up.

"What? I'm helping save your brother's love life over here." King Dice replied.

"Truth or dare!" Cuphead asked.


"Oh like HELL you'd say the actual truth!"

"Still truth."

"Oh come on!!" Cuphead persuaded him.

"Fine, you know what, dare!" King Dice changed his answer.

"I dare you to raise my paycheck."

"Aaaand back to truth!"

"Alright, alright, how's this then... I dare you to spend the rest of the game with your head spun upside down!" Cuphead said which took the attention of Mugman, Pirouletta and [Y/n]. When King Dice did it, all of them holded in their chuckles.

"Well? How's this? Happy now?" King Dice asked. "Pfft- yes!!"

"Alright, your turn, Cuphead."

"BRING IT ON!!" Cuphead sweatdropped.

"Truth or dare, Cuphead? Look me in the eyes, truth or dare?!!" Cuphead looks like he couldn't hold it in anymore. "Haha-ha- I ca- I can't you look too weird!!"

"You did this, Cuphead, now look me in the eyes!!" King Dice leaned in closer to him, Cuphead couldn't stop laughing. "PFFTHAHaha- oh shit- dare, dare!"

"Alright, now listen up, cuz' I'm actually startin' to feel sick..."

"Pfft- uh oh..." Cuphead calmed down a bit.

"Alright, here's you dare; as you know, in the Devil's office, there's a lift that goes deeper to Hell. You will use it, go down... about four levels and then bring back some sort of proof of being there." All of us went speechless, when Cuphead went ahead, most of the staff members crowd around Mangosteen because of his ability to see in to the future.

"Where is he?? Do you see him??" Mugman said worriedly.

"Where is he right now?" Wheezy asked.

"Has he fallen down a pit yet?"

"Is he gonna make it??"

"Um... uh I-I don't know! I can't see-" Mangs panicked.

"Come on, Mangs, think!!"

"We have to know if he's alri-" Mangs cut [Y/n] off.


"Can I flip my head back?" King Dice asked Pirouletta but she just chuckled. "Nu-uh, game's not finished yet." King Dice just sighed and proceeded to take a drink but doesn't know how to, due to his head being upside down. Pirouletta saw this and just laughed at him.

"W-wait! I see him! I see him!" Mangs yelled while a portal appeared. There stood the Devil holding Cuphead walking out of it.

"Guys, I see him, he's really close!" Mangs said happily. "My proof is the Devil!" Cuphead piped up. The Devil stood there speechless of the chaos surrounding them.

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