♤♡ Part 16 ◇♧

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Anonymous ask:
I would like to ask two questions if possible. First one to the Devil: How did Cagney and Hilda end up selling their souls to you?

"For Carnation, before the deal, he was just a regular little flower, no higher that knee length. Because of that, he was often picked on and attacked by the woodland creatures. One day, he had enough of that, and decided to make a deal so that he would become, and I quote; 'as big and strong as the demons that work for you.' So then, snap, he became one of the most feared creatures of the woods."

"As for Hilda Berg she used to be a pilot... but was in a crash accident that crippled her body and ended her flying career. So, she made a deal with so that I would, and again I quote; 'Fix me and get me back into the sky, no matter what.' She didn't specify how... so I decided to get a bit creative. I 'fixed' her by giving her some robotic enhancements that allowed her to take the form of a moon. I think that's 'into the sky' enough. Besides, it was worth the Isle's reaction to seeing two moons, one of which was bloody red."

"So that's how that happened." He shrugged. "Except for the part where they help up their side of the deal and gave their souls because of WE KNOW WHO!!"

"That's what you get for taking advantage of people in need." Mugman said while Cuphead shrugged.

"Me?! Taking adva-" The Devil said helding a hand up to his chest. "As if I would ever." He scoffed.

Anonymous ask:
Hey Devil, what did some of the other workers (like Chips, the Tipsy Troop, Pirouletta etc) make a deal for? And who didn't make a deal and just came for a job (like Cups and Mugs).

Hey Devil, can you tell us what everyone did to end up in the Casino?

"They all made deals that required they'd give their souls and servitude to me and in return I would grant them a favour." The Devil said leaning his head back on the couch.

"For Wheezy, I got him off the streets and out of debt." Mugman and [Y/n] joined in to listen. "For Chips, I helped him put a rival sheriff into the ground. Phear, I provided him with a drug to 'help' him with his races. Pirouletta, she was on the run and needed security. For Pip, Dot and Hocus, I help them escaped from a travelling freakshow. For the troop, I forever cured them from alcohol poisoning. With Mangosteen, we made a bet on his future vision and he lost."

"Wait, what was the bet?" Mugman ask.

"I asked him what would happen tomorrow at exactly noon. He said he'd be relaxing at a park. And he was, a minute before noon. Then a minute later I came in through a portal and pulled him into Hell."

"Wait wha-" Mugman ask but [Y/n] cut him off, pointing her finger at Devil. "Hey, wait! That's not fair! You knew-- wait, how does it work--??" The Devil raised his tail up to [Y/n]'s lips cutting her off. "Shhh, he's too dumb to question it and besides I control the very existence of fate." He grinned.

"Anyways, moving on-- Mr. Chimes... didn't actually make any deals or bets but I kind of gave him life so he stays with me."

"Woah, you brought him to life?" Cuphead said butting in our conversation. "Yeah, uhh... once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was a spoiled brat who was mean to everyone and didn't have any friends. So she did what every little girl would do and performed an ancient satanic ritual and gave me a call. She asked for friends who would obey her so I brought her toys to life, including a little monkey plush with cymbals attached to its hands. After the girl died, the monkey just... stuck around."

"What happened to the girl?" Mugman asked.

The little monkey crushed her head with its cymbals." He smirked, with the three of them looking terrified, looking at Mr. Chimes who turned his head around to face them, smiling creepily.

"Hey, what about Pachi-Pachi?" Mugman asks. "Hm?" Devil questions, drinking. "Who?"

"Pachinko?" [Y/n] said.

"Oh, right, uhh..." He thinks. "I forgot." They both stared at him blankly.

Anonymous ask:
Cuphead and Mugman, what was your training like to become waiters at the casino?

"Just the standard how to work the kitchen and how to talk to the customers. Though, [Y/n] was the one responsible to train us until we're able to do it ourselves without her help." Mugman said, collecting cups from tables.

"I'm just doing what the Boss told me to do, but I'm happy to help." She replied back.

"I like to think that our fight with Dice and Devil WAS our training." Cuphead said.

《 Later that day 》

Many anonymous ask:

**Hell load of DevilDice questions**

"Pfftt--" Devil tries to hold in his laughter. "Our relationship... is strictly... professional." King Dice said smiling till the Devil bursted out laughing. "...obviously." Dice continued. Both laying on the couch with [Y/n] beside them.

"Should we just say it?" King Dice ask, "Say what?" Devil replied. "How... you know... How I'm only using you to take your money and power and using your lack of understanding of love against you to manipulate you and take over your throne and entirely of Hell?"

"Oh, and how I'm using you for my own gain, desire and business and tricking you into thinking you are something greater than a tempted mortal?" They both looked at eachother for a while until they started to laugh once again.

"Or maybe tell them I'm using both of you for desire, money and power to rule over Hell and Earth and eventually leave you two in the gutter." [Y/n] smirked. The were all silent for a moment till the Devil spoke up, "That's my girl!" He grinned.

Anonymous ask:
For Devil and Dice: Does anyone else know about your secret love?

"Here's the thing- they probably see it- we gave up on hiding it- " Dice said. "In the Casino anyway. Why hide a professional relationship." Devil added.

"But nobody believes it."

"I'm tired of you guys saying that it's a 'professional' relationship." [Y/n] said.

"That's because it is." Devil replied. "Anyway, nobody thinks that I can be in a relationship unless it's a transaction. Because, you know, Satan, no feelings, blah, blah, blah... and same to you."

"Yeah, cuz I'm a- cheating con-man, who can't stay dedicated to anyone." King Dice said.

"Well, to me, you both... are just the best parents I could ever ask for." [Y/n] said.

"Oh? And why is that?"

"You guys are the whole reason I keep living till this day, and I'm grateful for that. Thank you." She smiled cutely which made both of them blush.

"Can we give you a hug?" They suddenly ask.

"Huh? O-oh, ok." She said confused till they glomped her in their arms.

Anonymous ask:
Mr. Dice, how do you usually relax after a long and/or rough day at the casino?

"Like this." Dice said. Napping with Devil and [Y/n] on the couch.

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