It cant be her.......

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"Great. just what I needed. cause babysitting is what I live for." As I'm walking out of the bathroom I feel someone rudely bounce off of me, as I turn around to see who the bitch that disturbed my thought was I see the most astonishing thing. it's that girl with the different colored eyes. ones bright baby blue and the other green as fresh new grown grass after a light rain.
"Are you going to help me up?" she asked me while rubbing her-cough cough- butt. As I start to turn away she goes to grab my hand but before I can snatch it away I'm falling and she's standing....... why is she standing? how is she standing? "How.......?" I didn't realize I said that out loud till she gave me a look of discuss... but then she just grinned and walked away. something she should not be doing. I realize with horror. I scrabble up and run out side. I needed to make a phone call.

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