Whats her name?

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"Uuugggghhhh!!!" Why do they have these damn events?!?! "Cody!!!! I'm hungry, feed me!!!!" I whine. Suddenly I feel a sickly, ugly presence behind me. "GGUUUUGGGHHH!!!" The hag has found me!!!! As I turn to grab Cody to run I realize the traitor already made her exscape. "why that traitorous little whor-" "miss.Harold." I look back with a smile I know she doesn't like, to acknowledge her horrid presences "why miss.spencer, how is your evening so far?" Hehehe. "actually I was just heading to talk with your mother." She says with a sly glint in her beady little eyes. " And I was sooooo enjoying your presence." I say with a grim face. " I just bet you were." she says as she walks away. Now to go find Cody for revenge.
On my way to find Cody I couldn't help but shake my hand out as the tingling gets worse. "I knew I was allergic to people, but nnnnuuuuuuuu mom didn't believe me and thought I was joking." And of course my dumb ass yet again runs into a wall- I mean person, again. At least this time I didn't fall and damn near break my tail bone. Only of course I grabbed a hold of the bastard that came out of no where. I look up as I cling to him like a leech and see a stupid shocked look on his face so I let go of him. "Sorry love. You kind of came out of no where on me. If you'll excuse me I have a traitor to find and seek revenge upon." As I go to step around the still stupidly shocked man he seems to come out of it with a jolt. "Hey miss! One moment." he says as he leans down closer to my ear grabbing my upper arm. "what are you? How can you stand to touch me? Who do you follow?" He asks in a hurry, pissing me off. "One, a crazy psychotic bitch that you need to let go of before I cut your ass. Second simple" I twist his man boob making him un-hand me "Just like that. And thirdly, I follow my damn self cause fuck life and fuck you." I turn away from him and stormed off not seeing the bathroom boy from early standing in the shadows or the look of anger, confusion, and lust? In th eyes of the bastard I just walked away from. As I turn the corner I collide with Cody and we both fall sprawled on top of eachother. "What the actual fuck!?!" I scream in frustration, forgetting about the parents, teachers, and other students around me. Cody is just laying there with a look of fear in her eyes. As I go to reach for her I realize with a jolt that the tingling has spread over my entire person and has grown stronger yet and continues to grow. "Aagghhh!!" I moan. I hear running and smell my mothers cologne has she wraps me in her arms and some how lifts me up and starts to carry me out of the school towards the car. I see from the corner of my eyes two shadows moving towards me and my mom as we reach the car but the feeling I get from them isn't friendly. I lift my hand up to point at them so I can warn my mother but in doing so I feel the tingling in my body gather in a ball of molten lava and travel to my hand. I stare in fear and wonder as this black and neon purple cloud like structure gathers around my hand and shoots out towards them. Doing so caused me to jolt knocking me and my mother over alerting her as to what was happening behind her. When she saw the cloud structure going for the shadows she screamed "Stop it before you alert them to our presents!! You have to stop it NOW!!" But I didn't know how so in fear, wonder, and confusion I watched as it hit the shadows flinging then towards the school and the only thing going threw my head was "That's going to hurt. If they die, do I have to come into school tomorrow?" But my mothers screams were getting on my nerves and on some instinct I lifted my hand again and pointed it at the same cloud and had it snatch up the shadows mid air right before their impact of the school and had it bring them towards me. When they got closer I realized that they weren't shadows but the two pricks from earlier. So with an annoyed sigh I dropped them on the pavement and as they dropped 5 feet from the air while knocked out, I blacked out into my mothers arms.

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