Meant to be?

23 3 0

I feel like it was meant to be
But you are pushing me away
You think that it wouldn't work out
But I believe deep in my heart
That it will
So what if those arguments happen
We always got through them

You know I will
Always love you
In the deepest depths of my soul
Maybe you are scared
That it will be the same
But I know it won't

I know that we can get through it
Just like everything else
That we have been through
Together, we always stuck together
But now you are gone
And you believe that it wasn't real

I know it was real
I felt it, I felt all of it
You just don't understand
How much you mean to me
Whenever we had the tiniest of arguments
We always fix them

Our love was stronger than anything
You say this time apart
You noticed some things
But I haven't
I have noticed the love I actually felt for you
I know you feel the same

And one day you will feel it, too
Maybe off on a walk
Maybe on a tight rope
Maybe even at your darkest depths
You will realize how much we care for each other
And that at its own will bring us togetherness

Poems by MeWhere stories live. Discover now