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I miss your voice
I miss your smile
I miss getting lost in your beautiful eyes
I miss our deepest chats about anything
I miss laughing with you

I wish I didn't make that stupid mistake
I wish I could still be with you
I wish you weren't mad at me
I wish I wasn't so impulsive
I wish I could've just thought about it

Why can't you just take me back
Why can't I just have you right now
Why can't I have you when I'm sad
Why can't I have you when I'm happy
Why can't I just be with you

I want everything to go back to normal
I want you not anyone else
I want everything back
I want it back
I want you back

The world is messed up without you
The world is upside down without you
The world is not the same without you
The world is lost without you

I wonder if in the future you will have me
I wonder if in the future you will want me
I wonder if in this petty world I can be with you
I wonder if in this crazy messed up world I can have you
I wonder if everything can be the same

Why did I say that
Why could I have lost you like that
If only I would have thought about what I just did
Maybe I could still have you
And maybe everything will be the same

Poems by MeWhere stories live. Discover now