Chapter nine

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Day ten.

Why was Porter here? They'd told me I was safe here. That no one knew I was going to be here except my "Parents". They'd told me he was in prison for what he'd done.

"Come back here Swazi! NOW!" He screams from somewhere behind me.

Despite the agonizing pain in my ankle I just push myself faster. I thank my "Parents" For making me do those seasons of Cross Country and Track.

I squint through the darkness and rain to see that I'm coming up on a forest. But before I can reach it someone slams into me from the side, and we hit a tree.

"Swazi, I want you to climb a tree and hide. No matter what happens, I want you to stay hidden, now go. GO!" Jac hisses at me before shoving me towards the forest.

I do as he says and clamber up the nearest tree. I look down to see Jac turn to face dripping wet and angry Porter.

"Where did the brat go?" He snarls at Jac.

But Jac doesn't say anything, just crosses his arms.

"Listen, mister. I don't know what kind of crap she's told you, but I'm just trying to reunite her with her brother. She's a troubled kid and she should be with her family," Porter says, faking a friendly smile.

But Jac still doesn't say anything.

"Really? And I was trying hard to be humane," Porter says while slowly pulling out a hunting knife. The wicked-looking blade glints in the very little light we have.

"Now, are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" He snarls, sounding less than human.

"How bout you go back to hell where scum like you belong," Jac spits at him.

Porter lunges forward and pins Jac to a tree, grinning evilly. He grabs Jac's left hand and holds the knife to it.

"Which finger?" He asks.

Jac spits in his eyes.

"Pinkie it is," He says.

Porter pins Jac's pinkie to the tree and I watch in horror as He chops it off in one fluid motion. The scream that escapes from Jac is too terrible to describe.

"Shall I ask again?" Porter says, "Where. Is. Swaziland Moire?"

"Like I said, Go. To. HELL," Jac says, breathing heavily.

"Let's try the ring finger this time, but we'll do it slower," Porter hisses and brings the knife to Jac's ring finger and begins to slowly saw away. After a minute of sawing and screaming, a second finger falls to the muddy forest floor.

"Well this is not working," Porter says impatiently and proceeds to punch Jac in the face. Jac crumples to the ground. Porter draws back his booted foot and Kicks Jac in the stomach after each word:

"Where. Is. Swaziland?! WHERE. IS. SHE?!"

Porter rolls Jac onto his back and begins to straddle punch him.

"STOP!" I scream.

I half fall, half climb down the tree. Porter pauses in his assault to turn to me.

"There you are, you little brat," He snarls. He takes his knife and stabs it into Jac's gut before getting up and walking towards me. He pushes my back against a tree and puts a hand on my waist.

"You've grown," He says, his dark brown eyes roving over my body in hunger.

"Let's take you home," He whispers into my ear, his blood-stained hands stroking my face. It takes all that I have not to kick the crap out of him.

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