Chapter 5 - Find our way Home

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"Luuuuuucy~. I'm sooooorry~. Please talked to me" I whined for the millionth time today. We've been walking all morning and she still hasn't talked to me. I can't believe I'm missing her complaining. I've tried everything to make her talk. Talking to her like normal, trying to make her laugh, begging, annoying her and scaring her but nothing made her speak. Argh, why is she so stubborn!

A sound in the distance perked my ears up givingme hope that we would find our way home. I could hear a village of people talking with my dragon slayer hearing. "Lucy, I hear a village!" I cheered and she whipped her head to me. "Where?!" she cheered, 'really...That's what got her to talk the whole time?!' I thought but I was very happy to hear her sweet voice again. "It's this way" I said and grabbed her hand before running with her towards the sound.

Thanks to my hearing we reached the village which turned out to be Oshibana. "This is great Natsu! We can take a train back to Magnolia" Lucy said and I instantly felt sick. Hopefully these new neko powers have something to stop my motion sickness. I was about to go down into the crowd but then Lucy pulled me back by my scarf. "We can't go down there looking like this. Nekos must be valuable if they are being sold on the black market and we don't know if Zan's men are lurking in the city. We need to stay hidden" she said.

I wrapped my scarf around my mouth and forehead and put my hands in a ninja pose. "We shall be stealthy like ninja" I said in my best ninja voice. Lucy giggled, "your cat ears make you look adorable" she said and then blushed when she realised what she just said. 'She called me adorable' I purred at the thought as I took my scarf off my head. "Oh my, are you purring Natsu?!" she exclaimed and I realised the noise I'm making. I instantly stopped purring and blushed. I can't believe I purred in front of her. "Ah no. Anyway, we need to sneak into the city and catch a train urgh" I said with a groan at the end. As much as I hate the thought of catching a train we need to get to Fairy Tail quickly.

We ran through alleyway after alleyway towards Oshibana Station to avoid being seen. Sometimes I hissed at some alley cats whenever they tried to mess with us which made them jump and run away like they've never seen a neko before. Somehow we managed to reach the train station without being seen, except for that woman who screamed "RATS!" when she saw us running across the street between one alleyway to the next one.

"So how are we going to sneak onto the train?" Lucy asked as we hid under a row of chairs inside the train station. I looked down the train and got an idea when I saw men packing the cargo hold with luggage. "We can hide in the cargo hold it has plenty of room" I replied. "And how do you know that?" she asked with her eyebrow raised. "Lets just say Happy and I may have snuck in there a few times to follow Erza to some S-class missions but got too sick to even leave the train. Now lets go before the train leaves" I replied, leaving no room for conversation. We ran from luggage to luggage and through people's legs until we reached the cargo hold of the train going to Magnolia.

"Phew, we made it" I said as we sat down against some luggage in the corner. The cargo hold door closed and a few minutes later the train departed the station. "Urgh" I felt my motion sickness kick in. 'We have new powers and none of them gets rid of my motion sickness' I mentally groaned, this was going to be a long train ride. Luckily for me, Lucy laid my head on her lap which helped ease my motion sickness.

After what felt like an eternity, well at least for me, we heard the train commander's voice over the loudspeaker. "Attention passengers, we will be arriving in Magnolia in approximately two minutes" we heard him say. "Thank...goodness..." I muttered sickly. When the train stopped, Lucy carried me on her back onto the platform. I got to say, her muscles have been developing since she has to carry me off the train every time we go on a job. Erza and Gray are so cruel to leave me on the train especially Ice Stripper. I know he forgets on purpose.

When the sickness subsided, I looked up from Lucy's shoulder to see that we were outside the train station. "I'm ok now Lucy" I said and she put me down. "We should hurry to the guild" she said and then we ran through alleyways again so we didn't cause a commotion. We were so happy when we saw the guild building come into view.

As soon as we got to the guild doors, we noticed the doors were shut and that we were going to have to work together to open them. "On three ok?" I said and she replied "ok" as we put our hands on the left door. "One, two, thr-" as I was about to say 'three' we heard Gray talking from the other side of the door. "I don't care I'm going out to look for them!" he said and then suddenly the doors slammed open, throwing us backwards a few metres.

Gray had a shocked expression when he realised he accidentally hit us and the rest of our team crowded behind him. "What the hell Ice Princess!" I complained as I jumped to my feet and helped Lucy up. "AH! It sounds like Flame Brain!" Gray exclaimed while the other's eyes widened in surprise. "That's because it is me Ice Stripper!" I shouted at him, "and it's me, Lucy" Lucy said after. "WHAT?!" our team exclaimed causing the whole guild to turn their attention onto us. This is going to take a while to explain.

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